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To Ms. Lipovsky’s Language Arts Class

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1 To Ms. Lipovsky’s Language Arts Class
Welcome To Ms. Lipovsky’s Language Arts Class

2 About Ms. Lipovsky Graduated from Misericordia University in Dallas, Pennsylvania Majored in Elementary Education Now at Wilkes University pursuing a Master’s in technology Played soccer in college From Loudoun County originally, and went to Loudoun County Public Schools Has coached at various levels in and around Loudoun County Leads the Soccer/Basketball club at Stone Hill

3 Curriculum Five strands of instruction Writing Research Literature
Communication Vocabulary skills

4 Materials Needed Bring the following supplies each day:
Loose leaf paper Agenda (furnished by the school) Binder with 5 dividers Pencil Pouch with Pencils Pens Colored pencils Scissors Glue sticks

5 Student’s assignments will be graded as:
Reading Writing

6 Language Arts 6 Formative Grading Scale
4- Expert (exceeds the standard) 3- Proficient (meets the standard) 2- Basic (progressing on standard) 1- Novice/In Training (inconsistent knowledge of expectations) 0-No Evidence of Learning

7 Language Arts 6 Summative Grading Scale
B+   B   B C+  C    C-  D D D F and below

8 Reading Log Students are required to maintain a reading log
I do not check it every day I will check it occasionally to see if they are keeping up on it Parents are not required to initial

9 Homework Homework reinforces skills taught in school, prepares students for upcoming lessons or tests, teaches responsibility and organization, and develops positive study habits. Homework may be assigned Monday through Thursday. No homework on Fridays. Homework is reviewed the following class period Students are asked to read 20 minutes each night. We do not always put that on the agenda, but it is a standing assignment.

10 Clarity Parents and students will be allowed access to information concerning assignments and grades. Make sure that your is up to date in Clarity. My distribution list is based on the s in Clarity.

11 Calendar Please check Ms. Lipovsky’s calendar on the Stone Hill Website for questions concerning due dates and assignments. It is updated daily.

12 Absent? Students must check the Absent folder in the classroom for missing assignments. They should schedule a time to meet with one of us to get caught up on the work they missed.

13 Remind 101 Students and parents may sign up for this form of communication. You will receive reminders via text or about assignments and tests. You can not send texts back. to

14 Resource Allows students -to make up missing assignments
-receive extra help from teachers -get ahead on homework

15 Agenda Agendas are checked every day to ensure assignments are written down We initial or stamp accurate recording every day Also serves as a pass

16 Retakes Students may retake an assessment if
their original score was a 69% or below They must be up to date on ALL other assignments (homework, classwork, projects) Schedule a time to be re-taught the material misunderstood This may occur BEFORE school, AFTER school, or at RESOURCE

17 Library Students have the opportunity to go to the library during Language Arts This occurs approximately every 2 weeks There are many other opportunities to visit the library During lunch Before and after school Resource

18 Ways to support the class
Extra books at home? Consider donating for the class. We will find a home for books. Extra bean bags or large pillows? We can use them for lit circles. Need fresh books? Order on line from Scholastic.

19 Scholastic Books If you would like to order books, please send in the flyer filled out with one check made out to "Scholastic Books". The new order is due on September 26th. Please-no cash! For information about ordering online, (we get a coupon for each online order) please click on the link below. Our class activation code is LJKKX.

20 Order Yearbooks Tonight!!!
Place your order tonight in Computer Lab 1. Assistance is available.

21 Communication Concerns or Questions
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