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Earthquakes Chapter 6.

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1 Earthquakes Chapter 6

2 6A Tectonic Forces What is an EarthQuake? Tectonic Forces
How do we measure? Tectonic Forces Stress Compression Tension ** Shear Boundaries Divergent Convergent-collision or subduction, great compression and shear forces Transform-ocean, basins, mid-ocean ridges, sea floor spreading, shear forces present Strain- ductility, joints, fault, brittle, elasticity Rocky materials show strain, store potential energy under stress, when broken, energy is released suddenly Weak, brittle rocks fracture easily, not much stored energy Soft, ductile rocks, change shape Elastic rocks or strong but brittle, break releasing lots of energy

3 6B Faults & Joints Joints Faults No visible movement
Vary in size & appearance Single or groups Form at angle to stress Form in various ways rock breaks and forms joints, very weak seimic waves b/c no motion at joint Faults Tectonic activity (movement) forms faults Fault plane, strike, dip Face of a fault is never flat, never straight, strike and dip changes along its length

4 Faults resistance to movement depends on how slippery the fault is
Classifying Faults Dip-slip fault Normal Reverse Thrust fault Strike-slip fault Transform fault Most quakes we feel happen at less than 45 mi below the earth’s surface Faults resistance to movement depends on how slippery the fault is Lubricants for a fault may include oils, water, certain minerals Locked faults build up shear stress Secondary quakes after an initial quake are aftershocks

5 Earthquake Videos

6 6C Earth Waves & Seismology
Seismometers Special instrument that detects earthquake waves and is attached to a way to record or graph the changes in the waves Found at seismic stations Seismographic recording is a seismogram Seismic waves have amplitude and frequency Types of Waves Body Waves – pass right through the earth P Waves Primus- relatively small amplitudes and short wavelengths Travel through both solid and liquid rock S Waves Secundus- larger amplitudes, stronger and slower Travel through the earth Surface Waves Travel along the earth’s surface, move about same speed as S waves, far more destructive Two wave forms – Rayleigh and Love

7 6C Earth Waves & Seismology
Locating Earthquakes Focus- center of an earthquake’s activity Epicenter- the spot on the earth’s surface above the focus The closer the focus the more the ground shakes at the epicenter 3 Seismic Stations are needed to locate the epicenter of an earthquake By studying the arrival times of the P, S and Surface waves, scientists can determine the depth of the focus Most quakes happen in faults along tectonic plate boundaries

8 6D Effects of Earthquakes
Richter Scale used to report the strength of an earthquake Named for seismologist Charles Richter, 1935 Given in units of magnitude- indicates the energy released by the earth movement Difference between magnitudes is 31.6 times as much energy Doesn’t work well for earthquakes over a 7 magnitude Doesn’t work well for earthquakes detected farther than 435 mi away Public most familiar with this scale Moment Magnitude scale Can measure stronger more distant earthquakes Earthquake Intensity How much damage actually results from an earthquake Magnitude, depth of focus, distance of epicenter, kinds of soil and rock formations, duration Modified Mercalli Intensity scale (MMI) Earthquake destructiveness scale

9 6D Effects of Earthquakes
Earthquake Hazards Building collapse Fire Tsunamis Landslides Earthquake Prediction We cannot predict earthquakes We can’t recognize the signs of an earthquale about to happen Seismic gap- an area along a fault where an earthquake hasn’t occurred By continuing to study earthquakes and make progress we are exercising wise dominion over the earth through science


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