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American History Chapter 10: Becoming a World Power

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1 American History Chapter 10: Becoming a World Power
IV. Debating America’s New Role

2 Bell Ringer “Americans are always searching for a new frontier.”
What does this mean for other nations?

3 Objectives Main Idea: After the Spanish-American War, the debate intensified over whether the US should build an empire. Examine the main arguments raised by the anti-imperialists See why imperialism appealed to many Americans Find out how American imperialism was viewed from abroad. Page 372 quote

4 A) The Anti-Imperialists
In 1898, opponents of our policy in the Philippines establish the Anti-Imperialists League. Biggest arguments were moral and political “Constitution must follow the flag” Not ready for democracy Big army could be used at home

5 racism: belief that differences in character or intelligence are due to one’s race
Many Americans belied Anglo-Saxon heritage was superior (373) Didn’t want foreigners to move here – compete with US workers – cheap labor Too expensive – army Compulsory – required military service Import cheaper goods – put US businesses out of business

6 B) Imperialism’s Appeal
Imperialism a new frontier – keep pioneer spirit alive Boy scouts created in England moves here Juliette Low – girl scouts – build moral character and teach girls to be “hardy” and “handy” Gain access to foreign markets – strategic military Great White Fleet: trip designed to demonstrate the nation’s naval power to other nations

7 C) Imperialism Viewed From Abroad
US defended governments that were unpopular with locals “Yankee, go home!” heard in Latin America US so powerful – other countries asked for help The next century the US would have to reconcile its growing power with national interests, and relations with other nation International police power (Paradox of Power)

8 Review What were the main arguments raised by the anti-imperialists?
Why did imperialism appeal to many Americans? How was American imperialism viewed from abroad?

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