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“Adenauer’s Economic Miracle”

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1 “Adenauer’s Economic Miracle”
This is one of the topics you need to know about for the course. What questions do you think you’ll need to be able to know the answer to?

2 “Adenauer’s Economic Miracle”
Who is Adenauer? What did he / she want to achieve? (Aims) What did he / she do? I presume it was successful (“miracle”), but how successful and why?

3 “Adenauer’s Economic Miracle”
Who is Adenauer? What did he / she want to achieve? (Aims) What did he / she do? I presume that whatever he / she was successful (“miracle”), but how successful and why? Why was it called a “miracle”? Which of the 3 themes political & economic / social / international do you think this will come under? (more than one?)

4 “Adenauer’s Economic Miracle”
Half of you will read p207 relating to the POLITICAL & ECONOMIC relevance of the ….. Half of you will read p218 relating to the SOCIAL relevance of the…..

5 Listen hear draw task Groups of 4 ( 2 pairs- one pair reading p 207 other 218) One pair has to describe/explain the economic miracle to the other but only picture notes can be made) If time swap and repeat Tell each other what you have learned and think about how this information could be used under the themes of economic development and then life of ordinary Germans

6 2 different questions Explain how Germany developed economically under Chancellor Adenauer 1949 to 1963? What impact did Adenauer’s economic policy have on the People of West Germany from 1949 to 1963? Extra information is on p150 of E Book (highly detailed) Think of lead points that you could use to answer these questions

7 Use the extra info sheets to finalise your notes.
“Adenauer’s Economic Miracle” Who is Adenauer? What did he want to achieve? (Aims) What did he she do? I presume it was successful (“miracle”), but how successful and why? Read p207 relating to the POLITICAL & ECONOMIC impact – Take Notes with specific details. Read p218 relating to the SOCIAL impact – Take Notes with specific details Use the extra info sheets to finalise your notes.

8 Think of lead points that you could use to answer these questions
2 different questions As you know… you could be asked a question on this from a POLITICAL & ECONOMIC viewpoint in the Exam or you could have an ORDINARY LIVES question. Examples of these are below. Consider what three points you would make to answer these two questions. Explain how Germany developed economically under Chancellor Adenauer 1949 to 1963? What impact did Adenauer’s economic policy have on the People of West Germany from 1949 to 1963? Think of lead points that you could use to answer these questions

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