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Admiral Chester Nimitz (navy)

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Presentation on theme: "Admiral Chester Nimitz (navy)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Admiral Chester Nimitz (navy)
General Douglas MacArthur (army) The war begins Non-aggression Pact of 1939 Agreement between Germany and the Soviet Union

2 Non-aggression Pact of 1939
Agreement between Germany and the Soviet Union Agreed to: Not go to war with each other Divide up Eastern Europe

3 Agreed to: Not go to war with each other Divide up Eastern Europe Germany invaded Poland in 1939 Britain and France declared war on Germany 2 days later World War II officially began

4 Britain and France declared war on Germany 2 days later
World War II officially began Hitler unleashed the blitzkrieg (“lightning war”)

5 World War II officially began
Hitler unleashed the blitzkrieg (“lightning war”) Battle of France (1940)

6 Battle of France (1940) Germany defeated France in 6 weeks

7 Battle of France (1940) Germany defeated France in 6 weeks Hitler broke the pact in 1941 and invaded the USSR

8 Germany defeated France in 6 weeks
Hitler broke the pact in 1941 and invaded the USSR The USSR joined the Allies

9 10-2-2 #5 Hitler broke the pact in 1941 and invaded the USSR
The USSR joined the Allies #5 Discuss Non-aggression Pact Invasion of Poland Battle of France Describe the importance of the Non-aggression Pact

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