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Energy Security: 21st Century Transition

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Security: 21st Century Transition"— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Security: 21st Century Transition
John Slagle NS4053

2 Brief Outline The Pitch for Renewables: Why we need an energy revolution Brief History: From the Industrial Revolution to the present Political Policy Prospects and Viability Renewable Sources The Way Ahead

3 Why We Need Renewables Climate Change Pollution
Defunding Petro-dictatorships Energy Security Innovation in a Global World

4 Brief History: Highlights
Late 18th Century and the Industrial Revolution Mid-19th Century and the Second Industrial Revolution Early 20th Century: The Model-T and the Internal Combustion Engine 1930s to 1980s: CO2 emissions warming the atmosphere Consensus: climate change and a warming world Climate Change and the Introduction to the Political Policy World

5 History continued: 1990: IPCC first report
Global Warming is happening 1992: Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil World Leaders get involved 1997: Kyoto Protocol Developed vs. Developing Nations 2007: Fourth IPCC Report (90% anthropogenic probability) MASS VS. EPA China CO2 > USA CO2

6 Carbon Emission by Sector

7 Political Policy Options
Cap-and-Trade vs. Carbon Tax Revenue Distribution Options Source-by-Source Regulation Emission Performance Standards / “Best Available Technology” Non-Regulatory Tools Product labeling, Seals of Approval, Tax Incentives for purchases

8 Policy Options continued:
Supply-Push: Subsidies for R+D Demand-Pull: Clean Energy Standards International Cooperation Free Trade in Clean Technology Boarder Tax adjustments for non-compliant countries/goods Adaptation Infrastructure Research Improved HA/DR capabilities

9 Renewable Energy Sources: Hydroelectric Wind Solar Geothermal
Nuclear as transition

10 The Way Ahead Holistic Approach Increased Efficiency
Cap-and-Trade (combined with other policy options) Expansion of Renewables International Cooperation Smart Grid (macro and micro) Adaptation (climate inertia)

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