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“Dialogue Session on Leadership”

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1 “Dialogue Session on Leadership”
“REAL Leadership Learning Series” “Dialogue Session on Leadership” by Mr S Dhanabalan Chairman Temasek Holdings Pte Ltd

2 Function of a Leader Achieve objective of organization with minimum resources Most important resource – people. How leader mobilises people to produce Leader does not know answers to most questions/issues in organization. Staff at the touchpoints know. Necessary to speak and hear directly from staff. Supervisors should not feel passed over when this happens If staff’s views/opinions/suggestions are not heard by people at the top, and organisation always uses top-down approach, then the organization is not going to be effective

3 Things Leaders Need to Realise
Leader does not know many things Leader should not try to know everything. Leader should hire good staff, even those better than him (specialists in their jobs)/better paid than him Leader does not have to be the smartest/highest rewarded. His role is to mobilise people and lead them in certain directions Be prepared to allow people to develop to their fullest potential “Leaders should not inflict pain, they suffer pain”

4 Being a Leader Fairplay – People must be absolutely convinced that you are fair and objective. Treat people as persons. Even when decision is to transfer staff, not to write off the person but see how he can be developed Usual push factor for staff leaving is the immediate boss not providing fairplay, not treating them well, not recognizing their qualities (esp when they disagree)

5 Being a Leader (Asian Society)
In Asian society, there is strong sense of hierarchy and the person at the top thinks he knows everything. Hence, when subordinate disagrees with leader, the leader does not take it well. Can’t differentiate between the issue and personality assessment. If the leader signals to team that disagreeing gets you in trouble, nobody will want to speak to the leader Leader must accept criticism and commend it.

6 Being a Leader (Asian Society)
Leaders need to develop trust. This is proven over time. People must see actions Bosses have to protect staff from ‘outsiders’ who do not agree with what staff has done. Need to take responsibility as one who approved the decision Leaders must have integrity and honesty. Do the right things. Values should trump everything else. If reason for doing the right things is to make more money etc, then they are not real values. Values need to be practised even at a cost

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