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TGn Opening Report – March ‘05
doc.: IEEE /0095r0 March 2005 TGn Opening Report – March ‘05 Date: Authors: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures <>, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at Bruce Kraemer, Conexant Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
This Opening Report 05-0095 Administrative Intro
March 2005 This Opening Report Administrative Intro Overall schedules, locations and news Attendance server Mark attendance now Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards
March 2005 doc.: IEEE /0095r0 March 2005 1. IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – May 2004 6. Patents IEEE standards may include the known use of essential patents and patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard. This assurance shall be provided without coercion and prior to approval of the standard (or reaffirmation when a patent becomes known after initial approval of the standard). This assurance shall be a letter that is in the form of either: a) A general disclaimer to the effect that the patentee will not enforce any of its present or future patent(s) whose use would be required to implement the proposed IEEE standard against any person or entity using the patent(s) to comply with the standard or b) A statement that a license will be made available without compensation or under reasonable rates, with reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfair discrimination This assurance shall apply, at a minimum, from the date of the standard's approval to the date of the standard's withdrawal and is irrevocable during that period. Bruce Kraemer, Conexant Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Inappropriate Topics for IEEE WG Meetings
March 2005 1. Inappropriate Topics for IEEE WG Meetings Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – March 2003 Don’t discuss licensing terms or conditions Don’t discuss product pricing, territorial restrictions or market share Don’t discuss ongoing litigation or threatened litigation Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed… do formally object. If you have questions, contact the IEEE-SA Standards Board Patent Committee Administrator at Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
March 2005 Additional Guidance After a patent letter of assurance (LoA) has been accepted by PatCom, it is allowable for a presenter to state that an LoA has been filed by a Patent Holder, accepted by PatCom, and listed in the online listing of LoAs at Anyone seeking a copy of the accepted LoA should contact the PatCom Administrator. Discussion of the content of accepted, submitted, or proposed LoAs is prohibited. 3. Discussion of licensing terms and conditions is prohibited. Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Attendance, Voting & Document Status
March 2005 Attendance, Voting & Document Status Use 802wirelessworld to register attendance If you encounter Attendance Issues during the session send an to Harry Worstell – Questions on Voting status – see Harry Worstell – Make sure your badges are correct Make sure your submissions contain no company logos or advertising Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
March 2005 TGn Quick Review Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
X Jan 17 Jan 18 Jan 19 Jan 20 TGn - January Schedule March 2005
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 8:00-10:00 X Technical/Comparison Presentations .19 discussion Regency II 10:30-12:30 MitMot Proposal Presentations Q&A 1:30-3:30 WWiSE Proposal Presentations ½ hour each Down Select at 1:30 PM 4:00-6:00 Opening, Agenda Minutes, Comparison Presentations TGnSync Proposal Presentations Presentations March plans Presentation 7:30-9:30 Election, Various Comparison Presentations Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
January Activity Highlights
March 2005 doc.: IEEE /0095r0 March 2005 January Activity Highlights Elected vice chair - Sheung Li 3 Complete Proposal presentations (6 hrs) 4 Comparison & Market Application Presentations 10 Technical presentations regarding Proposals Q&A (4 hrs) Down select vote Plans for March Preliminary planning for Coexistence Assurance with .19 Bruce Kraemer, Conexant Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Technical/Comparison Presentations
March 2005 Technical/Comparison Presentations Non-proposal authors , Field Measurements of 2x2 MIMO Communications, Babak Daneshrad , TGn Consensus Proposal, Tim Wakeley , Service Provider Requirements, Brian Ford , Required Feature set for Closed Loop Beam Forming, Aryan Saed Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Technical/Comparison Presentations by Authors
March 2005 Technical/Comparison Presentations by Authors Monday Closed vs Open Loop Comparisons, John Ketchum – ACI Results, Dave Hedberg Tuesday Comparison of Value of proposed MAC features, Adrian Stephens – Backward Compatibility of CDD Preambles, - Tsuguhide Aoki – Preamble Power Variations, Dave Hedberg – WWiSE Pilot Performance, Allert van Zelst – Impact of Fewer Pilot Tones on .11n Phy Perf, Won-Joon Choi – STS Compatibility with Legacy g devices, Chris Hansen Wednesday – Preambles and MIMO Beam Forming , John Sadowsky – Preambles, Beam Forming for WWiSE, Chris Hansen Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Ballot Results 239 Votes cast Proposal MITMOT Proposal TGnSync
March 2005 Ballot Results 239 Votes cast Proposal MITMOT Proposal TGnSync Proposal WWiSE Consider # Consider % 23 9.62 132 55.23 84 35.15 Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Tentative TGn Plans for March
doc.: IEEE /0095r0 March 2005 Tentative TGn Plans for March Technical Proposal Updates & FR (CC)10 days before meeting Friday March 4 questions to proposal authors Tuesday March 8 Written responses posted to server Friday March 11 Administrative introduction (1 hr) Comparison reports (1 hr) Market/application reports (.5hr) Proposal presentations (1 to 2hr blocks) Technical comparison , clarifications, discrepancies Presentation time, random speaker sequence for each round Additional technical presentations (3hr) .19 presentations on Coexistence Assurance (1hr if possible) Q&A 4 hr (2hr written + 2hrs live, separate time for non-aligned) Down select vote - special order (1 hr) Confirmation vote- as much of step 17 as possible in March (2hr) Elect Technical editor (½ hour) Plans for May (1/2 hour) Bruce Kraemer, Conexant Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
TGn January Meeting Minutes 05-1596r2
March 2005 TGn January Meeting Minutes r2 Executive Summary (also see Chairs’ closing report doc r0): Qualcomm declared support for TGn Sync Alliance and withdrawal of their complete proposal citing both proposals had similar features (support BF). Mitsubishi withdrew their support from the MitMot Alliance and declared their support for the TGn Sync Alliance. Motorola declared that they would be the sole sponsor of the MitMot proposal and declared the name now stood for Mac and mImo Techniques for MOre Throughput. Updates to the three remaining proposals – TGn Sync, TGn WWiSE and TGn MITMOT – were made; comparison presentations were made by proposers and non-proposers; significant written and oral Q&A time was provided. A down selection vote was conducted with the following result: Sync – 132 (55.32%) WWiSE – 84 (35.15%) MITMOT – 23 (9.62%) The MITMOT proposal was thereby eliminated from further consideration at this time. Note that it could be reconsidered if a 75% confirmation vote is not achieved. Sheung Li from Atheros was elected as Vice-Chair. Nominations were opened for the technical editor. Election will take place at the March Plenary meeting. Informal meeting was held with .19 (coexistence); .11n will have to attach a Coexistence Assurance document with the initial LB draft supplement; the rules surrounding the .19 CA process were reviewed. Next meeting – March in Atlanta; goals are to have a down selection vote and, if possible a confirmation vote and elect a technical editor. Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Approve Minutes Motion to approve minutes as contained in 11-05-1596r2
March 2005 Approve Minutes Motion to approve minutes as contained in r2 Move: Second: Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
March 2005 Plan for the Week Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Activity Highlights - Plans for March
doc.: IEEE /0095r0 March 2005 Activity Highlights - Plans for March 2 Complete Proposal presentations (2 hrs) “x” Comparison & Market Application Presentations “y” Technical presentations regarding Proposals Q&A (8 hrs) Down select vote Preliminary planning for Coexistence Assurance with .19 Confirmation vote Technical Editor election Plans for May Bruce Kraemer, Conexant Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
802.11 Agenda – March 14- 18 ‘05 doc 05-0111r3 March 2005
Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
March 2005 TGn - March Schedule Meeting Room: Atrium Tower , Ballroom level, Centennial II Mar 14 Mar 15 Mar 16 Mar 17 Mar 18 Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:00-10:00 X 12 18 10:30-12:30 20 1:30-3:30 6 14 4:00-6:00 2 8 16 7:30-9:30 4 10 Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
March 2005 Simplified graphic from TGn Selection Procedure r9 Step 13 to Step 17 Proposals change Step 13 Step 15 Step 14 >1 proposal Left? Presentation of remaining proposals Q & A no Step 16 yes Elimination Vote Step 17 Roll Call Confirmation Vote Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
March 2005 03-665r Step 17 When one proposal is left, there shall be a confirmation roll call vote either in favor of the proposal or for none of the above. The proposal shall be required to achieve a 75% majority in order to be submitted to the IEEE n Editor as the initial technical specification. If the remaining proposal fails to achieve a 75% majority, the members who voted "no" shall be requested to provide to the chair their reason(s) for voting no and what would be required to change their vote to affirmative. The proposer shall have an opportunity to respond to the concerns of the no voters, after which a roll call vote will be taken to approve the proposal. Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
X Mar 14 Mar 15 Mar 16 Mar 17 TGn - March Schedule March 2005 Monday
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 8:00-10:00 X Q&A Session #3 (Presentations) .19 discussion Confirmation vote 10:30-12:30 Compilation of Nos Technical Editor Plans for May TGn Timeline 1:30-3:30 Proposal Presentation #1 Proposal Presentation #2 Q&A Session #4 4:00-6:00 Opening, Minutes, Agenda Comparison Presentations Q&A Session #1 Final Summary Voting procedure Down select vote 7:30-9:30 Q&A Session #2 Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
March 2005 Timeline – Update needed Groupupdates:Working Group:Timelines Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Agenda Checkpoints Topic #1: Down select Vote time
March 2005 Agenda Checkpoints Topic #1: Down select Vote time Agenda shows down select vote at 4:00 pm Wednesday Topic #1a: Speeches or panel before down select vote Topic #1b: Secret or Roll call voting for down select Topic #2: Confirmation Vote Confirmation vote scheduled at 9:00 am Thursday Topic #3: Technical Editor Nominations are open Election scheduled for 10:30 am Thursday Editors meeting Tuesday 7 am (Brussels room) Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
.19 Discussion Thursday 8 am – 9 am, Centennial II
March 2005 .19 Discussion Thursday 8 am – 9 am, Centennial II Formal joint meeting – session attendance counts TGn will need to prepare a Coexistence Compliance Document for submission with the draft. Coexistence with 802 wireless standards in unlicensed bands. The WG proposing a wireless project is required to produce a Coexistence Assurance (CA) document unless it is not applicable. Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
802 Policies & Procedures Nov 19, 2004 version
March 2005 802 Policies & Procedures Nov 19, 2004 version Section 6 5 Criteria ( Section 6.4.d ) 22. Procedure for Coexistence Assurance (Formally Procedure 11) If indicated in the five criteria, the wireless working group shall produce a coexistence assurance (CA) document in the process of preparing for working group letter ballot and sponsor ballot. The CA document shall accompany the draft on all wireless working group letter ballots. The CA document shall address coexistence with all relevant approved 802 wireless standards specifying devices for unlicensed operation. The working group should consider other specifications in their identified target band(s) in the CA document. The TAG shall have one vote in working group letter ballots that include CA documents. As part of their ballot comments, the TAG will verify the CA methodology was applied appropriately and reported correctly. The ballot group makes the determination on whether the coexistence necessary for the standard or amendment has been met if the ballot passes. A representative of the TAG should vote in all wireless sponsor ballots that are in the scope of the coexistence TAG. Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
X Mar 14 Mar 15 Mar 16 Mar 17 TGn - March Schedule
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 8:00-10:00 X Q&A Session #3 (Presentations) .19 discussion Confirmation vote 10:30-12:30 Compilation of Nos Technical Editor Plans for May 1:30-3:30 Proposal Presentation #1 Proposal Presentation #2 Q&A Session #4 4:00-6:00 Opening, Minutes, Agenda Comparison Presentations Q&A Session #1 Final Summary Voting procedure Downselect vote 7:30-9:30 Q&A Session #2 If comparison presentation topics are completed…. Transition to discussion of: Procedure for creating .19 CA document Procedure for conducting confirmation vote Timelines Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Detail Agenda –Mon & Tue
March 2005 Detail Agenda –Mon & Tue Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Detail Agenda –Wed & Thur
March 2005 Detail Agenda –Wed & Thur Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
March 2005 Approve Agenda Motion to approve agenda as described on prior slides including special orders Special orders as follows Down Select vote at :00 pm Wednesday Confirmation Vote #1 9:00 am Thursday Move: Second: Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
.11n Technical Editor Election
March 2005 .11n Technical Editor Election Nominations are open Technical editors meeting am International Tower - Embassy level – Brussels room Elections planned Thursday 10:30 am Candidate A Candidate B Candidate C Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
March 2005 Documents Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Proposals - New/Revised Documents – March ‘05
n WWiSE Proposal Response to FRCC n TGnSync Proposal Presentation n TGnSync Proposal Technical Specification n TGnSync Proposal FRCC Compliance n TGnSync Proposal PHY Results n TGnSync Proposal MAC Results n TGnSync Proposal MAC1 Simulation Results n TGnSync Proposal MAC2 Simulation Results n TGnSync Proposal MAC Simulation Methodology n TGnSync Proposal MAC3 Simulation Results n WWiSE MAC Proposal for TGn n WWiSE Proposal: High throughput extension to the Standard n WWiSE Complete Proposal Presentation Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Email Questions & Answer Responses
March 2005 Questions & Answer Responses WWISE Response to Questions TGnSync Response to Questions Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Technical/Comparison Presentations
March 2005 Preliminary Technical/Comparison Presentations John Benko “Advanced Coding Comparison” m Chris Young “Legacy Tests with Mixed Mode Preambles” m John Ketchum, et al, "Preamble Requirements for Beamforming" 30 m Tomoko Adachi “Performance Analysis on 20/40 MHz coex. methods taking in legacy in BSS “ Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Session 1 Presentations
March 2005 Session 1 Presentations Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
March 2005 End of Opening Report Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
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