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Research Resources and an Intro to the PIFSC Library

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1 Research Resources and an Intro to the PIFSC Library
Librarian/Archivist: Allyson Ota Lynker Technologies LLC October 17, 2018

2 1. PIFSC Library Come visit!

3 PIFSC Library Located behind the Monk Seal Camp exhibit Down the hall, 1st door on the left Open when the building is open

4 Collection Marine Science Library Oceanography, marine biology, coral reef ecology, economics, Ichthyology, etc. Books Journals/Serials Print & Online Honolulu Star Advertiser Maps & Nautical Charts

5 Books Self checkout No due date Can be recalled Fill out the checkout sheet before removing Reference books don’t circulate See librarian for assistance

6 Circulation Area Self checkout Returned books tray

7 Self checkout sheet The self checkout sheet is located on the circulation desk, but a sign that says “Checkout books here” You will fill in the date, your name, line office, , the last-4 digits of the barcode, and the title. Please do not checkout reference books unless you get permission from the librarian. See the librarian if you have any questions

8 Print Journals/Serials
Journals, newspapers, magazines, bulletins, etc. Cannot check out Make a copy, and to yourself See what PIFSC Library has on the library’s JOURNALS page Find physical holdings and electronic subscription links

9 e-Journals Most journal subscriptions are electronic IP passthrough authentication Must be at work, or VPN connection to the network See the PIFSC Library Journals page for direct links to journals Also check the NOAA Central Library Journal Finder Notify if you cannot access

10 Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
Can’t find something? If you can’t find a book, article, book chapter, report, etc.

11 Library Links and Contact Info PIFSC Library Google Site Under “Resources” search for books, journals, databases, PIFSC and NOAA publications, and more Library Map Phone:

12 2. Citation Management Software
EndNote and others

13 What is Citation Management?
“Citation management tools are programs that collect records or citations from research databases (indexes, catalogs, etc.) that you can then organize for your research projects. They also help you cite your research by creating bibliographies, citations, and footnotes automatically.” - The University of Chicago Library: Citation Management Guide

14 Why Use Citation Management Tools?
Keep research organized Share and collaborate Format bibliographies Able to search for PDFs for citations

15 pdf

16 How to get EndNote NOAA-wide site license for EndNote available here: endnote/?pli=1 Need address Federal and contractors can use Probably need to ask ITS to install on your computer

17 Sign up for an account Create an account (if you don’t have one already) Go to Register and follow steps to create a login

18 EndNote and Web of Science
Logon to EndNote Basic Same login used for both Web of Science and EndNote Both owned by Clarivate Analytics

19 Export a citation from a Database
In ProQuest’s Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts Find article you like, click “Save” Select RIS type file (Works with EndNote) In Web of Science Login for EndNote and Web of Science tied together Can save citations to EndNote directly

20 Resources for EndNote Clarivate Analytics EndNote Training Guide EndNote YouTube Channel with tutorials Watch How to use EndNote in 6 minutes: Windows here. For Mac users: How to use EndNote in 6 minutes: Mac here. for assistance

21 3. Database searching Web of Science

22 Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection present (NOAA-wide subscription) Journals, books, proceedings in sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities

23 Research Questions What affect does underwater noise from submarines have on false insular killer whales? At what level is toxoplasmosis lethal to monk seals? What other factors must be considered?

24 Search Strategy: Keywords
What affect does underwater noise from submarines have on false insular killer whales? Identify the keywords in your search Come up with some alternative terms for your keywords Build search statements

25 Search Operators AND, OR, NOT, NEAR AND can be used in Topic field, but not Publication Name or Source NEAR cannot be used in Year Published field NEAR/X where x = number of words (default 15) All these are not case-sensitive: OR and Or and or is the same

26 Wildcards Asterisk ‘*’ represents any group of characters Hawaii* finds: Hawaii, Hawaiian, Hawaiians, Hawaii Island Question mark ‘?’ represents any single character Wom?n finds: women, woman Dollar sign ‘$’ represents zero or 1 character colo$r finds: color, colour

27 Phrase searching Exact phrases should be enclosed in quotation marks Phrases without quotes, will search for all terms individually in Title and Topic searches E.g. a Topic search for “energy conservation” vs energy conservation (which would also bring back conservation of energy) OK to use Wildcards, e.g. “energy conserv*” to bring back energy conservation and energy conserving; m$croeconomic = macroeconomic and microeconomic

28 Web of Science Demo

29 Additional Links PIFSC Library website NOAA Institutional Repository
Journals, Catalog, Databases, News & Events, PIFSC Staff Publications, etc. NOAA Institutional Repository NOAA Publications, full-text searching NOAA Fisheries Writing Style Guide Writing for NOAA Fisheries NOAA Institutional Repository Submission form Submitting work to the Institutional Repository DOI Request form Request a DOI to embed in your publication NOAA Library Section 508 LibGuide All about Section 508 NOAA Library Brown Bag site Info on webinars

30 Any questions?
Thanks! Any questions?

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