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Marine Biology Introduction

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1 Marine Biology Introduction
Ms. Stripling

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Why study oceans? The ocean strongly influences our lives through its effects on weather and climate, and as a source of food, recreation, mineral resources, transportation, and military advantage.. These interactions provide compelling reasons for us to study the sea. 1/17/2019 Free Template from

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Is that all? We also strongly influence the ocean through our activities and our waste products 1/17/2019 Free Template from

4 Do we always need a reason?
But the impetus to study the ocean also stems from pure human curiosity about exploring the inner space of our planet. 1/17/2019 Free Template from

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What is Oceanography? Oceanography is an interdisciplinary science in which researchers from diverse fields focus on the broad goal of understanding the ocean. includes the study of the ocean's physical, biological, chemical, and geological characteristics. 1/17/2019 Free Template from

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Physical oceanographers study the ocean's circulation, currents, waves, and tides. 1/17/2019 Free Template from

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Biological oceanographers investigate marine organisms and their relationship to the environment. 1/17/2019 Free Template from

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Chemical oceanographers analyze the chemical composition of sea water and the cycling of nutrients through the ocean system. 1/17/2019 Free Template from

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Marine geologists explore the geologic features of the coastal zone and the ocean floor, and the processes that have formed those features. 1/17/2019 Free Template from

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Engineers are also involved in oceanography, as they must design and plan equipment for use at sea. 1/17/2019 Free Template from

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So too are policy makers, who enact environmental laws and regulations concerning the use and conservation of the ocean and its resources 1/17/2019 Free Template from

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Birth of oceanography 1/17/2019 Free Template from

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It was a converted British navy ship left Portsmouth England in 1872 and returned in 1876. Its mission, assigned by the British admiralty, was to investigate the conditions of the deep sea throughout the great oceanic basins. The ship logged almost 70,00 nautical miles on its voyage around the world. 1/17/2019 Free Template from

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Challenger scientists took hundreds of depth soundings, discovered and described over 4,000 new species of marine life, and studied currents, temperature, and salinity of the oceans throughout the world 1/17/2019 Free Template from

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A few other milestones In 1934, deep-sea researcher William Beebe made history with his dives in the Bathysphere, a hollow steel ball only 4' 9'' in diameter. He and two other men dove a mile down in this submersible, lowered and raised by a thin steel cable affixed to a winch on a barge. Beebe observed deep-sea fish and other marine organisms in their deep-sea habitat, an environment that no one else had ever explored firsthand. 1/17/2019 Free Template from

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And some more…. Alvin, a small manned craft that in 1977 discovered the deep-sea hydrothermal vents. 1/17/2019 Free Template from

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And some more…. 1943, when Jacques-Yves Costeau and Emile Gagnan perfected the fully automatic compressed air Aqualung, the precursor to modern-day SCUBA systems. This technological advance opened the exploration of shallow-water ocean habitats to thousands of researchers from around the world. 1/17/2019 Free Template from

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