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Importance of Science Communication

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1 Importance of Science Communication
Kaisu Innanen, Communications

The Finnish universities have three main tasks set by the Ministry of Education: RESEARCH TEACHING BASED ON RESEARCH IMPACTING ON / INTERACTION WITH THE SOCIETY All of these tasks require communication as an integral part of the process. University of Oulu

3 What is science communication?
generally refers to public communication communication between scientists from different fields communication between scientists and non-scientists University of Oulu

4 Research-based information
Decision makers Reporters Citizens Researchers Specialists Enterprises Your own science community Teachers Students University of Oulu

5 Dissemination and Communication
Dissemination: producing and publishing scientific papers Communication is to inform and reach out to the society It should be addressed to multiple audiences that go beyond the project’s own audiences Europen Union Horizon online manual for writing research proposal explains Dissemination as sharing research results with potential users that is > peers in the research field, industry, other commercial players and policymakers That feeds into exploitation using that is > results for commercial purposes or in public policymaking. In many funding proposals you are to describe how your project will execute communication. And communicating your proposal in a clear and impactful way may be one key to get the grant. Whatever the conception, the main thing is to make yourself understandable. University of Oulu

6 Why is it important? What are the goals for #scicomm
University of Oulu

7 Importance of science communication
Science communication strenghtens the connection between science and community It increases the confidence towards scientific information It ensures peoples right to benefit from the advances of science We/you as researchers have also an oblication to communicate of our work University of Oulu

8 Tips for Science Communication
University of Oulu

9 Know your research and learn to tell it to others
Once you have a clear picture of your research, think who are your key stakeholders and what do you need them to do. University of Oulu

10 Go where your audience is
Who might be interested of your research? Go where the audience is! University of Oulu

11 Be visible Improve your skills in social media Facebook Twitter
LinkedIn Research Gate… Blogs Make a researcher profile University of Oulu

12 Improve your presenting skills
University of Oulu

13 University of Oulu

14 Be brave Be brave. You have the right to communicate.
Within the university it is a good place to start and practice.

15 Core task for the University Communications is to enable this community of intelligent people to communicate efficiently Do not stay alone University of Oulu

16 17.1.2019
University of Oulu

17 Thank you. Twitter: @UniOulu www. oulu. fi www. facebook
Thank you!

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