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Roses to be gathered What’s your choice?

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1 Roses to be gathered What’s your choice?

2 proclaim His greatness,
LOVE… Give thanks to the Lord, proclaim His greatness, For eternal is his love! Ps 105, 1 Love frees us from all sin and eternal death E. Turgeon, Sentences

3 An eternity of HAPPINESS is well worth working for all our lives.
I say to the Lord, »You are my Lord, all good comes from you My greatest joy is to be with you! » Ps 16,1 An eternity of HAPPINESS is well worth working for all our lives. E. Turgeon, Sentences

4 I know that I will see the GOODNESS of the Lord in this present life!
Ps 27,13 Wisdom will teach you how to be GOOD (with your students) yet firm with them. E. Turgeon, Rules, No 28

5 CONFIDENCE AND TRUST In you,Lord, our fathers put all their TRUST.
Ps 22, 4 Be courageous and have TRUST E. Turgeon, Letter, February 1881

6 KINDNESS… How sweet is the taste of your instructions - sweeter even than honey! Ps 119, 103 Remember that kindness and affability are a duty of justice for us towards our students E. Turgeon, Rules, No. 28

7 Trust in the Lord. Have faith, do not despair, Trust in the Lord.
HOPE… Trust in the Lord. Have faith, do not despair, Trust in the Lord. Ps 27,14 The prayer of a heart, contrite and filled with HOPE, is never cast aside. E. Turgeon, Sentences

8 Lord, don’t stay away from me! Come quickly to my rescue! Ps 22, 19
STRENGTH … Lord, don’t stay away from me! Come quickly to my rescue! Ps 22, 19 The prayer of a loving soul has more power on the heart of God, than ten thousand if they do not have love. E. Turgeon, Sentences

9 HUMILITY and trust in God can do all things. E. Turgeon, Sentences
Yahve leads the humble in the right way Ps 25, 9 HUMILITY and trust in God can do all things E. Turgeon, Sentences

10 E. Turgeon, Letter, January 1881
JOY… I delight in following your commands, more than in having great wealth Ps 119, 14 Your joys are my joys. E. Turgeon, Letter, January 1881

11 When I lie down, I go to sleep in PEACE… Ps 4, 8
Where simplicity reigns, there also reigns PEACE E. Turgeon, Sentences

12 The Lord is my light and my SALVATION.
Ps 27, 1 Without the protection of heaven, our work is in vain Help comes from the Lord E. Turgeon, Sentences

13 KINDNESS… Remember, O Lord, your KINDNESS and constant love which you have shown from long ago. Ps 25, 6 As a father shows KINDNESS to his children, so does the Lord have compassion on those who revere Him E. Turgeon, Sentences

14 TRUTH… Your constant love is my guide; your TRUTH always leads me.
Ps 26, 3 We must be truthful and honest in our relationships... E. Turgeon, Rules, No. 28

15 Have you chosen your Rose?
Music: The Chanukah Song Creation: Rita Gallant, R.S.R. December 2007 Translation: Edwina Bouchard, R.S.R. The end!

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