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World history, Chapters 10-11

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1 World history, Chapters 10-11
Vocab Basketball!!! World history, Chapters 10-11

2 Islam the religious faith of Muslims, based on the words and religious system founded by the prophet Muhammad and taught by the Quran.

3 Quran Sacred text of Islam Similar to the Bible

4 Muhammad Islam's version of Jesus
God’s messenger about the faith of Islam

5 Jihad Duty or struggle in the name of God
Personal service or duty to God Example: The Crusades

6 Mosques (hint: place/worship)
Places Muslims go to worship and pray Similar to a church

7 Sharia Law Body of law the includes interpretation of the Quran, basis of how Muslims live their life. Regulates moral conduct, criminal law, government, business, and family life.

8 Muslim Veil Cloth that Muslim women wear to cover their heads and faces Mostly required to go out in public

9 Sunni/Shiite Muslims (Hint: religion)
A split in beliefs about Islam. Sunni Muslims: Believe anyone can interpret the Quran. Shiite Muslims: Followers of Ali (Muhammad’s son in law), believe his decadents are the only people who should interpret the Quran. Similar to Catholics/Protestants.

10 Sultan Title of Muslim ruler Like a King or Emporer

11 Calligraphy Art of beautiful handwriting

12 Social Mobility Ability to move up in social class.
Improve you social rank through religious, scholarly, or military achievements.

13 Desertification Climate change that dries out fertile land and eventually becomes a desert. Everything dies.

14 Savannas Grassy plains
Where early civilizations formed in Africa and the Middle East

15 Migrate When a group of people travel to a new area and settle their for an extended period of time. Similar to what birds do.

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