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Lifetime fitness part 1 Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Lifetime fitness part 1 Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lifetime fitness part 1 Review

2 How does a sedentary living impact a person’s health?
Negatively Greater risk for chronic illnesses

3 If someone is pursuing a high level of personal Fitness, what components of health should they focus on? All 3: Mental, Social, Physical

4 What are the benefits of high level physical health and fitness?
Better self-esteem Higher energy levels Stronger bones Better sleep

5 Functional Fitness A person’s ability to function independently in life

6 3 uncontrollable risk factors
Age Heredity Gender

7 5 controllable risk factors
Physical activity level Eating habits Tobacco use Weight Stress managemenet

8 Healthy People 2010 A national / government initiative make health and fitness a top priority for all americans

9 How does physical activity effect school performance?
It enhances it or makes it better

10 What is a sedentary lifestyle and how does it effect personal fitness?
An inactive life with little movement It has a negative impact on your personal fitness

11 When beginning a fitness program, at what intensity level should you begin?
Begin at a low intensity level and slow progress toward higher intensities

12 How many minutes of exercise per week for teens?
225 minutes per week

13 What is the behavioral change staircase?
A step by step approach for achieving personal fitness

14 What is health? A state of well-being that includes physical health, mental health and social health

15 How does an active lifestyle effect a person’s life expectancy?
It increases it

16 What is the physical activity pyramid?
A guideline to how much activity you should have on a daily and weekly basis

17 What is personal fitness?
Fitness achieved by: eating a healthy diet being physically fit avoiding harmful substances

18 Life expectancy The number of years a person can expect to live

19 stress A mind and body response to the demands and threats of everyday life

20 gender A non-changeable risk factor for heart disease

21 Physical activity Any movement that works the large muscles of the body

22 Vigorous physical activity
An exercise or activity that ranges from heavy to maximum exertion

23 Risk factors Conditions or behaviors that represent a potential threat to an individual’s well-being

24 obesity A risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes

25 Moderate physical activity
Exercise that ranges in intensity from light to heavy exertion

26 Regular physical activity
Done most days of the week, preferably daily

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