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Mr. Conway – 7th & 8th grade Social Studies

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Conway – 7th & 8th grade Social Studies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Conway – 7th & 8th grade Social Studies
21th year teaching Last 8th year at Kino I have taught 5th, 6th 7th, 9th, ELL, Reading Scottsdale Love current events, cross training, anything involving the ocean, and action movies

2 1 Rule Many Procedures

3 Disagreements Never Always Talk to me Ignore
Fill in form on Kino home page Talk to councilor Talk to administrator

4 Consequences Possibilities Warning MIR Buddy Room Detention New seat
Call home Referral to Administration

5 Alternatives to Profanity

6 Remain on task Yes – Remember “Favor/Break”?
No – this demonstrates lack of respect for yourself, peers, and teacher.

7 Materials It is all within your power. Agenda Binder Planner Pencils
Paper Good Attitude All materials

8 What if I lose my pencil? No Drama! How cool is this?
You may borrow a pencil, however you must leave me your ID. You will get your ID back when you return my pencil.

9 Entering the Classroom
Really? Really!

10 Procedures

11 Turning in Assignments

12 Obtaining Work 1st 2nd

13 If you complete work early
No Yes Finish any missing work Read a book Help a group mate with their work On occasion you will be allowed to listen to music – depends how the class has been!

14 Need to leave? Raise your hand Wait to be recognized by me.

15 Procedure HMMMMMMM! Must sign out on planner.
Must take signed planner. You only get 3 passes – use them wisely!

16 Off Limits Really – there are traps 
Any equipment – you break you buy

17 8:00 – 4:00 – Most days

18 When there is a substitute…..
Don’t go here! Go here instead.

19 Always…

20 Must haves ….. Name, Date, Period, Assignment

21 Expectations Neat and orderly when finished
Stay on the assigned program!

22 Bookshelves Really! Don’t get to leave!!
Now these kids deserve Kino Cash

23 Floor Not ready for dismissal! Ready for dismissal!

24 Dismissal – that is up to you.
Not even close! Now that’s a 5!

25 Passes No passes? Extra Credit for each pass.

26 Procedure – pencil sharpening
Raise your hand with pencil Wait to be recognized

27 Procedure – rest room Raise hand 1 finger Signals Must have a pass.
Must get planner signed. Must sign in and out.

28 Fire Drills Boys / Girls / Straight / Quiet

29 YOU have the POWER to learn ANYTHING at any time!
v1VdDeoRY Growth Mindset YOU have the POWER to learn ANYTHING at any time!

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