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The Birth of Islam.

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Presentation on theme: "The Birth of Islam."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Birth of Islam

2 Islam is Arabic for . . . “submission to God.”

3 Followers of Islam (those who submit to God) are called Muslims.

4 Allah is the name for the Muslim God, and he is their one and only God.

5 Christians, Jews, and Muslims pray to the same God, but disagree on the prophet.

6 Christians believe the prophet (or messenger from) God was Jesus, Jews believe a prophet is yet to come, and Muslims believe it was Muhammad.

7 Muslims are to treat Allah and Muhammad with great respect
Muslims are to treat Allah and Muhammad with great respect. No images should ever be made depicting them.

8 Why? Creating an image creates a false idol – are people praying to the image instead of the spirit of Muhammad?

9 The Angel Gabriel visited Muhammad and told him he was the Prophet of God.

10 Muhammad’s teachings were not accepted initially In Mecca, mainly because Arabia was polytheistic. The belief in one god was seen as too radical.

11 So, Muhammad left the area and spread his message to other regions
So, Muhammad left the area and spread his message to other regions. As a merchant, he spoke of Allah to everyone he Traded with.

12 Finally, with enough followers at his back, Muhammad returned to Mecca and waged war on the non-believers.

13 The war lasted for 10 years (from 622-632 CE) until Mecca converted to Islam.

14 Today, Mecca remains sacred as Muslims take a holy pilgrimage there annually.

15 The holiest shrine in Islam Is in mecca; It is called the Ka’bah and Is considered the “House of Allah.”

16 Muslims worship in a mosque.

17 Muslims face toward mecca when praying.

18 The holy book of Islam is the Koran (Quran).

19 The Koran is written in Arabic.

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