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Resource Efficiency at Work

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Presentation on theme: "Resource Efficiency at Work"— Presentation transcript:

1 Resource Efficiency at Work


3 Resource efficiency - home vs work

4 Why? Environmental

5 Why? Natural resources

6 Why? Water

7 Why? Global warming

8 Why? Cost

9 Case studies - energy

10 Case studies - waste

11 Case studies - water


13 The Waste (Scotland) Regulations

14 Customer pressures

15 Customer pressures

16 Energy facts

17 Energy mythbusting

18 Energy - what can I do?

19 Waste facts

20 Waste mythbusting

21 Waste - what can I do?

22 Water facts

23 Water mythbusting

24 Water - what can I do?

25 If you have any ideas

26 Things to remember

27 How to find out more …



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