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Presentation on theme: "LIFE IS STILL DIFFICULT!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Life Is Difficult Life under the sun is pointless! 1:2
Without a valid purpose, life is vexing No profit 1:3 Full of labor 1:8 Effort is not appreciated 1:11

3 Life Is Difficult Solomon studied life 1:12-14; 1 Kings 4:33
Knew more than anybody else 1:15-17 Grief and emptiness 1:18 Pleasure and entertainment 2:1-3 Waste of time 2:2 Accomplished great works 2:4-10 Acquired great riches 2:7-10 I hated life…I hated all my labor 2:17-23

4 What We Should Do – Balance
Enjoy blessings from God 2:17-23; 3:12-13 One day at a time Matt. 6:34 Trust in the Lord and do good Ps. 37:3 God will give wisdom Eccl. 2:26 Respect God’s wisdom and power 3:14 Fear God, do what He says 12:13 We will give account for what we have done 12:14; 3:14 Live with balance 3:1-15

5 Life Is Unfair! Wickedness in government 3:16
Be patient; God will fix it 3:17 We die 3:18-22 Power oppresses powerless 4:1-3 No comfort for suffering Loneliness 4:4-8; Gen. 2:18 Friendship 4:9-12; Prov. 18:24 Fellowship Acts 2:36-47; 1 Cor. 12:12-26

6 Life Is Unfair! Wickedness in government 3:16
Foolishness in government 4:13-16; Genesis 41, Exodus 1 Dishonesty in government 5:8-9; Proverbs 13:23 Much food is in the fallow ground of the poor, and for lack of justice there is waste. Mismanagement  Waste All win or all suffer

7 Poverty of the Well-To-Do
Greed (increased demand) 5:10 Others’ greed 5:11 Worry 5:12 Loss by misfortune 5:13-15 Waste of time 5:16-17 Balance! 5:18-20 Theft by others 6:1-2 Doesn’t see goodness 6:3-12 Fear God

8 Poverty of the Well-To-Do
Greed (increased demand) 5:10 Others’ greed 5:11 Worry 5:12 Loss by misfortune 5:13-15 Waste of time 5:16-17 Balance! 5:18-20 Theft by others 6:1-2 Doesn’t see goodness 6:3-12 spiritual blindness Fear God

9 Poverty of the Well-To-Do
Greed (increased demand) 5:10 Others’ greed 5:11 Worry 5:12 Loss by misfortune 5:13-15 Waste of time 5:16-17 Balance! 5:18-20 Theft by others 6:1-2 Doesn’t see goodness 6:3-12 spiritual blindness 5:1-7 Fear God

10 Poverty of the Well-To-Do
Greed (increased demand) 5:10 Others’ greed 5:11 Worry 5:12 Loss by misfortune 5:13-15 Waste of time 5:16-17 Balance! 5:18-20 Theft by others 6:1-2 Doesn’t see goodness 6:3-12 spiritual blindness 5:1-7 fear God Fear God


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