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2. What changes occurred in Russia under Stalin’s totalitarianism?

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Presentation on theme: "2. What changes occurred in Russia under Stalin’s totalitarianism?"— Presentation transcript:

1 2. What changes occurred in Russia under Stalin’s totalitarianism?
Thesis, total control Economic Command economy Five Year Plans Collective farming Political Great Purge Propaganda Censorship Social Women Education Suppressed religion Conclusion: How will Stalin’s tactics be used by future leaders to take total control of individuals and states?

2 Command economy Government makes all economic decisions
Government has total control over the economy Stalin makes all decisions

3 5 year plans Drastic steps to promote industrial growth
Set impossibly high quotas for production of steel, coal, oil, and electricity People are required to have shortage of consumer goods

4 Collective farming Seized 25 million privately owned farms
Combined small farms into large government owned farms Eliminated the kulaks

5 Great Purge Stalin launches a campaign of terror
Focused on Old Bolsheviks Killed at least 8 million of his own people

6 Propaganda Socialist realist art promoted Soviet life and communist leaders Promoted labor

7 censorship Government controlled newspapers, motion pictures, radio
Basis of the book 1984 2+2 = 5 Slogan of the 5 year (completed in 4 years) plan used to torture main character

8 Women Women gained equal rights in 1917
Had more access to education than US women

9 Education Learned about communism in free public schools
Path to success was through education

10 Suppressed religion Tried to replace religion with communism
League of the Militant Atheists Picture show Jesus being dumped like garbage

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