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Taking Charge of Your Reading!

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1 Taking Charge of Your Reading!
Textbook Reading Lecture 1 Taking Charge of Your Reading!

2 Introduction Reading college textbooks requires
you to comprehend & learn large amounts of information. To survive…you MUST use effective reading techniques that will improve your reading comprehension and your ability to remember numerous facts. The main purpose of this class is to provide you with an “arsenal” of reading strategies!

3 Why it is Crucial for You to Read all Readings You are Assigned:
*Successful students complete assigned readings BEFORE each class. *One other reason to do the readings …the instructor might just call on you to report your impressions to the rest of the class!! *Connections & overlaps between readings & lecture will reinforce your learning.

4 Before you begin to read…
Schedule blocks of reading time in a place where you won’t be interrupted. The key is to find a setting & time that allows you to maximize your concentration. Single parent… Plan around children’s naptimes. Provide activities kids can do at the table with you. Use a timer to let kids know at end of 20 min., for ex., everyone will take a play break. Pool your resources with other students who are single parents and trade babysitting services.

5 Capture and Connect How you approach a reading depends on:
Your interest level If it’s a magazine article about your favorite movie star, then you probably won’t have to work too hard at reading it. Difficulty of the material If it’s an explanation of how to do neuro- surgery, then you’re most likely going to have to devote a lot of time to reading it. Time available…do you have 15 min. or 2 hours? Your reading skill…are you a fast reader or do you often struggle with the words?

6 Elements of Your Reading Plan
*When you deal with challenging reading material (and most college reading IS challenging!), you need a 5-part plan of action: 1.Preview 2.Skim 3.Read actively 4.Read analytically 5.Review

7 PREVIEWING Why is previewing necessary??
Means to look at chapt. objectives, headings, subheadings, etc. Preview ALL reading assignments. Why is previewing necessary?? It helps you decide what types of reading strategies you’re going to need. It allows you to see how the reading assignment fits into the overall framework of the course. It helps you estimate how much time you’re going to need to do the reading.

8 (means quick reading=twice your average reading rate)
SKIMMING (means quick reading=twice your average reading rate) *Covers content at general level—focuses on introductory statements, topic sentences, & bold- faced terms *Slow down when you get to any kind of summary! *You don’t read every single word on page—you only target main ideas and key passages. *Your ability to read selectively will improve as you gain awareness as to how readings relate to a course and how a teacher chooses test material.

9 READING ACTIVELY…next step after
skimming This is where you begin reading word for word and taking notes on important concepts. READING ANALYTICALLY…necessary for very difficult articles about which you need to give your own opinion This is where you dig under the surface of the reading. You compare the reading to other ones you’ve read. You decide whether the info. presented is persuasive enough to change your viewpoint.

10 Good analytic readers question both the author and themselves.
What is the author’s bias? How do the author’s values & background influence the writing? Do I believe the evidence? What are the strengths & weaknesses of the argument? Are arguments logically developed?

11 Pyramid of Study Intensity
of Effort Preview Skim Read Actively Review Read Analytically

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