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Properties of Waves.

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Presentation on theme: "Properties of Waves."— Presentation transcript:

1 Properties of Waves

2 Frequency A measure of how many waves pass a point in a certain amount of time. The higher the frequency, the closer the waves are together and the greater the energy carried by the waves

3 Frequency

4 Amplitude A measure of the distance between a line through the middle of a wave and a crest or trough. The greater the force that produces a wave, the greater the amplitude of the wave and the greater the energy carried by the wave.

5 Amplitude In a transverse wave the higher the wave, the higher the amplitude. Sounds with greater amplitude will be louder, light with greater amplitude will be brighter.

6 Amplitude

7 Amplitude

8 Wavelength A measure of the distance from the crest on one wave to the crest on the very next wave. Shorter wavelengths are influenced by the frequency. A higher frequency causes a shorter wavelength and greater energy.

9 Wavelength

10 Wavelength

11 Speed A measure of the distance a wave travels in an amount of time.
The speed of a wave is determined by the type of wave and the nature of the medium.

12 Speed As a wave enters a different medium, the wave’s speed changes
Waves travel at different speeds in different mediums. All frequencies of electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed in empty space

13 Speed

14 Draw & Label the Wave A C D B

15 Today’s Activities Please create a foldable defining the following terms and drawing/labeling the parts of the wave: Frequency Amplitude Wavelength Crest Trough Rarefaction Compression After you complete your foldable, glue it into your notebook!  Complete the Blue Book Questions from last week!

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