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Teaching Reading 主讲人:张敬彩 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching Reading 主讲人:张敬彩 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching Reading 主讲人:张敬彩 1

2 ? Major contents skills involved in reading? principles What do people
common types of activities How do people read? ?

3 ? Major contents How do people read? skills involved in reading?
principles What do people read? How do people read? common types of activities? ?

4 Intensive reading It is accuracy-oriented. (for detail)

5 How do we read? reading aloud vs. silent reading skills involved
management in the classroom speed 1 2 3 4 5 6 manner purpose activity type

6 How do we read? What do effective readers do?

7 ? Major Contents What do people read? What are the skills involved in
reading? What are the principles for teaching reading? What are the common types of activities in teaching reading? How do people read? ?

8 What do people read? In ESL/EFL textbooks:
literary texts & simulated texts vs. genuine authentic materials —— Supplementary reading materials are needed.

9 What do people read? Different types of texts require different reading skills and strategies.

10 ? Major contents skills involved in reading What are the principles
for teaching reading? What do people read? What are the common types of activities in teaching reading? How do people read? ?

11 Two broad levels of reading
a cognitive task of interpreting the visual info. 1 2 levels of reading visual signals from the eyes 2

12 ! ! Skills in reading comprehension Specify a reading purpose.
Plan the next step(s). Preview the passage. Predict the content of the passage. Check predictions. Skim the passage for the main idea. Scan the passage for specific info. Ask questions about the text.

13 ! ! Skills in reading comprehension Find answers to the Qs.
Connect the passage to background knowledge. Summarize info. Make inferences. Analyze text structure. Reread. Guess the meaning of a new word from the context.

14 ! ! Skills in reading comprehension
Use discourse markers to see relationships. Check comprehension. Identify difficulties. Correct false comprehensions. Criticize the author and the text. Judge how well the objectives are met. Reflect on what is learnt from the text.

15 ? Major contents principles What are the skills involved in reading?
What do people read? What are the common types of activities in teaching reading? How do people read? ?

16 1 2 3 4 5 Principles and models Principles
Selected texts should be accessible to ss. 2 Motivating tasks given clearly in advance. 3 Tasks help develop ss’reading skills Principles Encourage ss. to use reading strategies. 4 5 Help ss. to become independent readers.

17 Principles and models Model Bottom-up model
Follows a linear process 1 From recognition of letters-words- phrases-sentences-paragraphs-meaning of the whole text Model 1 Bottom-up model All new words, phrases and structures should be learnt and read aloud. Belief 2

18 Principles and models Model Top-down model
Reading is “a psycholinguistic guessing game.” (Goodman, 1967) 1 Model 2 Top-down model Teachers should teach the background knowledge first. 2

19 Principles and models Model Interactive model
Reading is interaction between the reader and the writer. 1 Model 3 Interactive model Teachers should integrate top-down and bottom-up models. 2

20 Principles and models Interactive model
Reading is an interactive process. It takes three stages: pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading.

21 ? Major contents common types of activities? What are the skills
involved in reading? What are the principles for teaching reading? common types of activities? How do people read? ?

22 While-reading activities
Common types of activities Pre-reading activities While-reading activities Post-reading activities

23 Pre-reading activities
To arouse readers’interest in the subject matter 1 Reasons To create expectations 2

24 Pre-reading activities
Things to be done 1 2 3 Pool existing knowledge of the topic Predict the content of the text Skim or scan the text or part of it

25 Pre-reading activities
title Predicting based on vocabulary T/F questions

26 Pre-reading activities
Get the ss familiar with the relevant cultural background knowledge. Predicting Relate what ss. already know to what they want to know.

27 Pre-reading activities
Ask 1-2 general questions. Provide 3-4 statements representing the main idea. Skimming Suggestions Provide subtitles and ask ss. to put them in the right place.

28 Pre-reading activities
for specific info. Scanning for vocabulary for structures

29 Pre-reading activities
Set a time limit. Give clear instructions. Scanning Suggestions Wait until 70% of ss. finish. Make clear how to get feedback. Answers to questions should be scattered but not clustered.

30 While-reading activities
information transfer activities visualization devices transition devices

31 While-reading activities
Reading comprehension questions Qs for literal comprehension Qs involving reorganization or reinterpretation Qs for inferences Qs for evaluation or appreciation Qs for personal response Qs for understanding references

32 Post-reading activities
Tasks in ~ should Provide ss with opportunities to relate what they have read to what they already know or what they feel. Enable ss to produce language based on what they have learned.

33 Post-reading activities
Discussion Retelling Role-play summarizing Post-reading activities Gap-filling Writing

34 Teaching Reading 主讲人:张敬彩

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