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Middle School Enrollment

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1 Middle School Enrollment

2 Middle School Enrollment
Currently, East has 111 more students than West. Looking at future projections we realized the differential was going to get larger. Concern with class sizes at East and utilization of staff Sharing staff is a poor option because it does not allow for key components of middle school such as team meetings and collaboration

3 Current Enrollment 2017-2018 East West Diff Grade 6 328 260 68 Grade 7
East West Diff Grade 6 328 260 68 Grade 7 288 270 18 Grade 8 290 265 25 Total 906 795 111

4 Projected Enrollment 2018-2019
East West Diff Grade 6 284 246 38 Grade 7 328 260 68 Grade 8 288 270 18 Total 900 776 124

5 Projected Enrollment 2019-2020
East West Diff Grade 6 308 236 72 Grade 7 284 246 38 Grade 8 328 260 68 Total 920 742 178

6 Recommendation Change the boundary line in Washington Elementary so that approximately 2/3 of the students go to West and 1/3 of the students go to East (Currently it is the opposite.) Grade 6 – East is 20 students larger Grade 6 – West is 10 students larger Grade 6 – West is 5 students larger

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