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Chapter 15 Homologous and Site-Specific Recombination

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1 Chapter 15 Homologous and Site-Specific Recombination

2 15.1 Introduction Homologous recombination is essential in meiosis for generating diversity and for chromosome segregation, and in mitosis to repair DNA damage and stalled replication forks. Figure 15.01: Homologous recombination can occur at any point along the lengths of two homologous DNAs.

3 15.1 Introduction Site-specific recombination involves specific DNA sequences. somatic recombination – Recombination that occurs in nongerm cells (i.e., it does not occur during meiosis); most commonly used to refer to recombination in the immune system. Figure 15.03: Site-specific recombination occurs between two specific sequences (identified by boxes). The other sequences in the two recombining DNAs are not homologous.

4 15.2 Homologous Recombination Occurs between Synapsed Chromosomes in Meiosis
Chromosomes must synapse (pair) in order for chiasmata to form where crossing over occurs. Stages of meiosis are correlated with the molecular events that occur to DNA. Figure 15.05: Recombination involves pairing between complementary strands of the two parental DNAs.

5 15.2 Homologous Recombination Occurs between Synapsed Chromosomes in Meiosis
sister chromatid – Each of two identical copies of a replicated chromosome; this term is used as long as the two copies remain linked at the centromere. Sister chromatids separate during anaphase in mitosis or anaphase II in meiosis. bivalent – The structure containing all four chromatids (two representing each homolog) at the start of meiosis.

6 15.2 Homologous Recombination Occurs between Synapsed Chromosomes in Meiosis
synaptonemal complex – The protein structure that forms between synapsed homologous chromosomes that is believed to be necessary for recombination to occur. joint molecule – A pair of DNA duplexes that are connected together through a reciprocal exchange of genetic material.

7 15.3 Double-Strand Breaks Initiate Recombination
The double-strand break repair (DSBR) model of recombination is initiated by making a double-strand break in one (recipient) DNA duplex. In 5 end resection, exonuclease action generates 3′ single-stranded ends that invade the other (donor) duplex.

8 15.3 Double-Strand Breaks Initiate Recombination
When a single strand from one duplex displaces its counterpart in the other duplex (single-strand invasion), it creates a D-loop. The exchange generates a stretch of heteroduplex DNA consisting of one strand from each parent. Figure 15.06: Double-strand break repair model of homologous recombination.

9 15.3 Double-Strand Breaks Initiate Recombination
New DNA synthesis replaces any material that has been degraded. This generates a recombinant joint molecule in which the two DNA duplexes are connected by heteroduplex DNA and two Holliday junctions.

10 15.3 Double-Strand Breaks Initiate Recombination
branch migration – The ability of a DNA strand partially paired with its complement in a duplex to extend its pairing by displacing the resident strand with which it is homologous. Whether recombinants are formed depends on whether the strands involved in the original exchange or the other pair of strands are nicked during resolution. Figure 15.08: Branch migration can occur in either direction when an unpaired single strand displaces a paired strand.

11 15.4 Recombining Chromosomes Are Connected by the Synaptonemal Complex
During the early part of meiosis, homologous chromosomes are paired in the synaptonemal complex. The mass of chromatin of each homolog is separated from the other by a proteinaceous complex. Figure 15.10: Each pair of sister chromatids has an axis made of cohesins.

12 15.4 Recombining Chromosomes Are Connected by the Synaptonemal Complex
Cohesins and Zip proteins form the lateral elements and transverse filaments/central elements. axial element – A proteinaceous structure around which the chromosomes condense at the start of synapsis. lateral element – A structure in the synaptonemal complex that forms when a pair of sister chromatids condenses on to an axial element.

13 15.4 Recombining Chromosomes Are Connected by the Synaptonemal Complex
central element – A structure that lies in the middle of the synaptonemal complex, along which the lateral elements of homologous chromosomes align. It is formed from Zip proteins. recombination nodules (nodes) – Dense objects present on the synaptonemal complex; they may represent protein complexes involved in crossing over.

14 15.5 Specialized Enzymes Catalyze 5ʹ End Resection and Single-Strand Invasion
MRN/MRX complexes are required for Spo11 displacement and 5ʹ end resection. RecA-type proteins form presynaptic filaments with single-stranded or duplex DNA and catalyze the ability of a single-stranded DNA with a free 3ʹ to displace its counterpart in a DNA duplex. Figure 15.13: RecA-mediated strand exchange between partially duplex and entirely duplex DNA generates a joint molecule with the same structure as a recombination intermediate.

15 15.6 Holliday Junctions Must Be Resolved
The Ruv complex acts on recombinant junctions. RuvA recognizes the structure of the junction and RuvB is a helicase that catalyzes branch migration. RuvC cleaves junctions to generate recombination intermediates. Figure 15.14: RuvAB is an asymmetric complex that promotes branch migration of a Holliday junction.

16 15.7 Topoisomerases Relax or Introduce Supercoils in DNA
Topoisomerases alter supercoiling by breaking bonds in DNA, changing the conformation of the double helix in space and remaking the bonds. Type I enzymes act by breaking a single strand of DNA; type II enzymes act by making double-strand breaks.

17 15.7 Topoisomerases Relax or Introduce Supercoils in DNA
Type I topoisomerases function by forming a covalent bond to one of the broken ends, moving one strand around the other and then transferring the bound end to the other broken end. Bonds are conserved; as a result, no input of energy is required. Figure 15.16: Type I topoisomerasess recognize partially unwound segments of DNA and pass one strand through a break made in the other.

18 15.7 Topoisomerases Relax or Introduce Supercoils in DNA
Type II topoisomerases also form covalent bonds to the broken ends, and pass a duplex DNA region through the double-strand break. ATP is required to complete the reaction and reseal the break. Figure 15.17: Type II topoisomerases can pass a duplex DNA through a double-strand break in another duplex.

19 15.7 Topoisomerases Relax or Introduce Supercoils in DNA
gyrase – Enzyme that introduces negative supercoils into DNA. reverse gyrase – Enzyme that introduces positive supercoils into DNA.

20 15.8 Site-Specific Recombination Resembles Topoisomerase Activity
Site-specific recombination involves a reaction between specific sites that are not necessarily homologous. recombinase – Enzyme that catalyzes site-specific recombination. Phage lambda integrates into the bacterial chromosome by recombination between a site on the phage and the attachment (att) site on the E. coli chromosome. Figure 15.18: Circular phage DNA is converted to an integrated prophage by a reciprocal recombination between attP and attB.

21 15.8 Site-Specific Recombination Resembles Topoisomerase Activity
core sequence – The segment of DNA that is common to the attachment sites on both the phage lambda and bacterial genomes. It is the location of the recombination event that allows phage lambda to integrate. The phage is excised from the chromosome by recombination between the sites at the end of the linear prophage. Phage lambda int codes for an integrase that catalyzes the integration reaction.

22 15.8 Site-Specific Recombination Resembles Topoisomerase Activity
Integrases are related to topoisomerases, and the recombination reaction resembles topoisomerase action except that nicked strands from different duplexes are sealed together. The reaction conserves energy by using a catalytic tyrosine in the enzyme to break a phosphodiester bond and link to the broken 3′ end. Figure 15.19: Integrases catalyze recombination by a mechanism similar to topoisomerases.

23 15.8 Site-Specific Recombination Resembles Topoisomerase Activity
Two enzyme units bind to each recombination site and the two dimers synapse to form a complex in which the transfer reactions occur. Figure 15.20: A synapsed loxA recombination complex has a tetramer of Cre recombinases, with one enzyme monomer bound to each half site.

24 15.9 Yeast Use a Specialized Recombination Mechanism to Switch Mating Type
The yeast mating type locus MAT, a mating-type cassette, has either the MATa or MATα genotype. Yeast with the dominant allele HO switch their mating type at a frequency of ~10–6. The allele at MAT is called the active cassette. There are also two silent cassettes, HMLα and HMRa. Figure 15.21: The yeast life cycle proceeds through mating of MATa and MAT haploids to give heterozygous diploids that sporulate to generate haploid spores.

25 15.9 Yeast Use a Specialized Recombination Mechanism to Switch Mating Type
Switching occurs if MATa is replaced by HMRα or MATα is replaced by HMRa. Figure 15.22: Changes of mating type occur when silent cassettes replace active cassettes of opposite genotype.

26 15.9 Yeast Use a Specialized Recombination Mechanism to Switch Mating Type
Mating type switching is initiated by a double-strand break made at the MAT locus by the HO endonuclease. Figure 15.24: HO endonuclease cleaves MAT just to the right of the Y region, which generates sticky ends with a 4-base overhang.

27 15.9 Yeast Use a Specialized Recombination Mechanism to Switch Mating Type
Mating type switching is achieved by a special homologous recombination event that copies information from HMLα or HMRa to the active MAT locus. Figure 15.25: Cassette substitution is initiated by a double-strand break in the recipient (MAT) locus, and may involve pairing on either side of the Y region with the donor (HMR or HML) locus.

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