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Categori Cefnogaeth Uwchradd 2016 Secondary Support Category 2016

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2 Categori Cefnogaeth Uwchradd 2016 Secondary Support Category 2016
21 categori coch (26 yn 2015, 23 yn 2014) 5 wedi bod mewn categori coch ers tair blynedd 12 wedi bod mewn categori coch am ddwy flynedd neu fwy. 21 red category (26 in 2015, 23 in 2014) 5 have been in red category for three years 12 have been in red category for two years or more

3 Categori Cefnogaeth Uwchradd 2016 Secondary Support Category 2016
8 wedi llithro o ambr i goch ers 2015 4 wedi llithro o felyn i goch dros dair blynedd Ar draws Cymru mae 16 ysgol sydd wedi aros fel ysgol ambr am dair blynedd. 8 have slipped from amber to red from 2015 4 have slipped from yellow to red over three years Across Wales there are 16 secondary schools that have remained amber for three years. The number of red schools is not reducing. Concern regarding schools that have been allowed to remain as amber schools for three years. Do these schools need alternative support and challenge only accessed by red schools?

4 Cyd-destun / Context Ad-drefnu yn effeithio 57% (12/21)
Nid oes pennaeth parhaol yn 52% o’r ysgolion coch Effeithir 29% gan ad-drefnu, a diffyg pennaeth parhaol Mae 2 ysgol yn cau eleni Mae 2 ysgol wedi cwblhau proses ad-drefnu diweddar 57% (12/21) are currently being impacted by reorganisation There is no permanent Headteacher in 52% (11/21) of the red schools. 29% are affected by reorganisation and the lack of a permanent leader 2 of the schools will close this year. 2 schools have completed recent reorganisation processes. Even with reorganisation, difficulties arise where school staff are inherited from previous establishments. The quality of facilities and recourses may improve, however challenges remain in the quality of provision. Difficult to move or improve these schools where there are contextual concerns.

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