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Radioactive waste management - status

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1 Radioactive waste management - status
ESHAC # Per Persson Radioactive Waste Manager

2 Radioactive Waste Management
General approach (recapitulation) ESS is adopting to the existing Swedish system.

3 Radioactive Waste Management
Two facilities for treatment of radioactive waste (recapitulation) Waste Building: for all liquid waste, all resins and solid waste with less than 10 mSv/h at the surface. Active Cells: for solid waste with more than 10 mSv/h at the surface.

4 Rad Waste Resources (ESH) – autumn 2018
Per Persson 100 % Tobias Hörnfeldt (c) 80 % Riccardo Bevilacqua TBD % Peter Jacobsson 10 % Plus resources from RP group as well as from TD and NSS

5 Staff plan (Rad Waste) Senior Engineer – Rad Waste (planned)
Consultant I – RW general support (planned) Consultant II – RW waste streams (planned)

6 Rad Waste Building 1(2) Purpose
Handling of water from cooling circuits I controlled areas and other types of potentially activated water. Handling of Ion Exchange Resins. Handling of Low-Level and Very-Low-Level radioactive solid waste. Possibility to de-contaminate large vehicles (e.g. from the Fire Brigade).

7 Reviewed layout of the Waste Building

8 Rad Waste Building 2(2) On-going discussions concerns:
the amount of water coming from the laboratories mixture of water from different places/sources transport of water from the source to the RW Bldg the amount of waste in the first 5-10 years, benchmarking against SNS and JPARC. (ESHAC recommendation) Ongoing work to get a more detailed and accurate picture of the waste streams; and In order to set the: The design of the building

9 Updated draft layout of the Waste Building

10 Radioactive Waste Management
Status: ESHAC #7 ESHAC #9 Waste Building: The preliminary design for the Waste Building (H09) is to be finished within a month. 2017 November 10th preliminary design review (PDR) 2017 Q4 start of the detailed design 2018 Q2 start the construction of H09 2019 Q3 construction finished 2019 Q4 installation of non-CF equipment 2020 Q1 start of the testing/trial operation 2020 Q3 H09 in operation Active Cells: Under construction. In operation 2021 Q1. Waste Building: The preliminary design for the Waste Building (H09) is to be finished within a month. 2018 September 19th preliminary design review (PDR) 2018 Q4 start of the detailed design 2019 Q3 start the construction of H09 2020 Q4 construction finished 2021 Q1 installation of non-CF equipment 2022 Q1 start of the testing/trial operation 2023 Q1 H09 in operation Active Cells: Under construction. In operation TBD.

11 Rad Waste Building – Risk Analysis
Risk Analysis is on-going FMEA performed Classification of events Selection of events to be used for dose assessments (not yet done) Dose Assessment – October Final analysis/conclusion to be included in the December application

12 Radioactive Waste Management
The way forward Normal Conducting LINAC (<75 MeV) To be reported to SSM Considerations to decommissioning in the design of the facility Storage of radioactive substances and radioactive waste Radiological environmental impact assessments for events in the waste facility Update of PSAR chapter 7 Rad Waste. Preparations at site Temporary solutions for handling potential radioactive waste.

13 Action plan Rad Waste A year ago ESS submitted a plan “Action plan for radioactive waste, decommissioning and costs” (ESS ) to The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM). The Plan is divided into several areas, corresponding to the special conditions given by SSM, and for each area there are deliverables fulfilling the requirements. Update on-going, will be revised during the fall. To be anchored internally before communicated to SSM

14 Interim storage No further contacts have been taken.
Waiting for the more detailed waste estimates (what, how much and when) to be finalised by the end of the year.

15 Waste tracking system GADD is owned and supported by the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co (SKB). GADD 2.0 was launched at Barsebäck a few month ago. ESS will be taken into account in GADD 3.0, development cost included in yearly payment to SKB.

16 Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co (SKB)
The yearly meeting according to contract was held , concerned mainly the progress in the planned extension of SFR and the SFL-project. Continuous discussion with SKB regarding technical issues (i.e. GADD) Participation in meetings as one of the stakeholders (operational questions and waste type descriptions) SKB Management meeting Contact have been taken on management level Planning of a meeting during the autumn (probably November) General discussion of the existing contract Upcoming discussion of what happens after 2020

17 Radioactive Waste Management
ESHAC #7 Recommendations ESS need to consider how they are able to store waste including keeping an accurate inventory (need for a good inventory data base of activated components, using e.g. QR codes). Risk of losing components is foreseeable. ESS should work with SSM and start to identify waste streams that can be used in the short term. The Committee recommends that ESS uses experience from other facilities that have direct experience of dealing with radioactive waste.

18 Radioactive Waste Management
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