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Maths workshop for parents March 2017

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1 Maths workshop for parents March 2017

2 We aim for you to… understand the key teaching methods used in Maths – focus: Multiplication and Division. gain a greater understanding of National expectations pick up some top tips for helping your child at home have fun!

3 Ice-breaker activity Fifteen game In pairs
Take it in turns to take one of the cards 1-9. To win you must be able to make 15 with exactly 3 cards.

4 Key Aims of the New Maths Curriculum
Fluent recall of mental maths facts e.g. times tables, number bonds. Etc. To reason mathematically – children need to be able to explain the mathematical concepts with number sense; they must explain how they got the answer and why they are correct. Problem solving – applying their skills to real-life contexts.


6 Key concepts

7 Number Sense! Children need to understand our number system, starting with counting numbers, building an understanding of how our numbers work and fit together. This includes exploring place value and comparing and ordering numbers then applying this understanding in different contexts.

8 Place Value Place value is at the heart of the number system. All digits have a value and a secure understanding of this will enable children to use and understand different calculation methods.

9 Recalling facts It is important that children recognise number
bonds, different pairs of numbers with the same total 7 + 3

10 So what exactly does Multiplication and Division look like in each year group?
Over to the teachers!

11 What can I do to help my child at home with their mathematical development?
Ask them to help you when you are calculating with money, weighing (cooking) or measuring (DIY!) Help them to learn their times tables Play board games – scrabble, snakes and ladders, monopoly, connect four, bingo... Talk about the time – use both analogue and digital clocks and watches Encourage your child to spot and talk about maths in the environment (shapes, patterns, numbers!) Enjoy numbers – try to avoid telling them that you found maths tricky at school!

12 Thank you! Please jot down any thoughts about this evening and leave on the resource table. Please don’t hesitate to ask us any questions as you leave! Have a look at some of the recommended reading and resources on display.

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