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Logistics Wine bill ($12 per person, for drinkers)

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Presentation on theme: "Logistics Wine bill ($12 per person, for drinkers)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Logistics Wine bill ($12 per person, for drinkers)
Does everybody know how they get to the airport?

2 Cascadia Facility Purpose
“ support EarthScope and MARGINS science objectives, with particular emphasis on onshore/offshore studies ...” [FAQ #1]

3 Plan A: “The Grid” 70 km spacing 59 OBS’s 25 onland

4 Plan B: 2-stage

5 Plan C: Synoptic view of the Trench
(is this the right on-land configuration for this plan?)

6 Decisions decisions... Choice of plan impacts OBS purchase decisions immediately deep vs. shallow water etc. For some plans we may reevaluate onshore (TA) configuration

7 Strawman Timing & Calendar
first 1/2 OBS’s, most TA 2011- end full array #1 2013- early full array #2 (or do some OBS’s advance elsewhere?) 2014 onward: What happens TA/OBS? 15 mo deployment, 3-6 mo turnaround?? * need to clarify & decide


9 PBO component Additional processing? Timing recommendations?


11 Seismicity rates (EHB)

12 Cascadia Seismicity 4 M>4.x thrustzone events in 15-20 years
1-2 VLF’s reported x fewer intraslab events in N than (Alaska, Nankai, ...) BUT high rates of “deep” tremor

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