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Towards Efficacy Evaluation

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1 Towards Efficacy Evaluation
ISB meeting February 25, 2016 Nino Gachechiladze Deputy Head of Grants and Programs Administration, Evaluation and Analysis Department

2 Actions Implemented Big Grants (FR, AR, DI, HE)
Changing legal documents (10% and Random selection rules for evaluation abolished, interim evaluation introduced) Adding new line in SRNSF budget form for grants’ efficacy evaluation Implementing preparatory work for evaluating science productivity of FR, AR, DI, YS grants (Defining PI’s c, h, g indexes by fields) Preparing unified list of Publications in FR, AR, DI, HE completed projects ( )

3 Small Grants (MR, TG, IG, SS, CG, YS, PhDF)
Actions Implemented Small Grants (MR, TG, IG, SS, CG, YS, PhDF) Data Collected full list of grants by fields/subfields of research area, institutional affiliation, age and gender of grantees, science productivity and etc. Survey’s for small grants conducted – questionnaires developed Data for small grants analyzed - fact sheets for all grants Reports for Small Grants prepared (TG, DO)

4 Data for Master Students Grants (MR)
Registered – 58 applicants Funded – 47

5 Data for Young Scientists Grants (YS)
Registered applicants – 101 Funded – 34 Leading Institution – TSU

6 Data for Conference Grants (CG)

7 Data for Seasonal School Grants (SS)
Registered applicants - 13 Funded projects - 11 Leading institution - TSU

8 Data for PhD Student Grants (PhDF)

9 Data for PhD Student Grants (PhDF)
Total PhD students number founded 222 Number of students founded in 2013 135 Number of students founded in 2014 87 Participant Universities 18 Leading Host University TSU (97) Leading fields Humanities and Social Sciences Defended degree by 2015 11% Publications 18% Abstracts and participation in International events 31%

10 Data for Internship Grants (IG)
Registered – 28 applicants Funded – 18 projects

11 Data for Travel Grants (TG)
Activities Chairperson 8 Plenary speaker 6 Section speaker 57 Edition committee 3 Poster 19

12 Data for Travel Grants (TG)
Gender indices Age Group Female Male < >

13 Actions implemented and planed by SRNSF
Already implemented in IG, TG winners presentation Activities planed 2017 FR, AR, DI, YS, MR, PhDF, GRDF, STCU grants assessment in regards of minimal bioethics standards elaborated by SRNSF in 2016

14 Thank you for your attention

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