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The visuals also make excellent memory aids!

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1 The visuals also make excellent memory aids!
Vocabulary From Night Read and review the following slides to note various contexts for using our vocab words. The visuals also make excellent memory aids!

2 bereaved

3 Raucous Julie Palmer “Miley Cyrus hits back at reporters before raucous O2 Arena show” “Woman locked up for hosting raucous party” “Jets ready for raucous capital crowd” “Frat boys' raucous tale” “Danny Brown brings hype to raucous Majestic crowd” “Police in riot gear deal with raucous crowd celebrating Gophers NCCA semifinal win”

4 Lucidity

5 Deportation: 1. The removal from a country of an alien whose presence is unlawful or prejudicial. 2. To carry Away Examples from, Night:

6 Pious Definition: Having or expressing reverence for a god or gods; religious; devout

7 By: Dan Shaw Dan Fare Austin Morey
Notorious By: Dan Shaw Dan Fare Austin Morey

8 “Having once belonged to a Zionist youth organization, they knew countless Hebrew songs. And so we would sometimes hum melodies evoking the gentle waters of the Jordan River and the majestic sanctity of Jerusalem. We also spoke often about Palestine” (Wiesel 50). “Chris Christie: I’m Pro-Life and Believe in the Sanctity of Human Life Before and After Birth” Sanctity The state or quality of being holy, sacred, or saintly; ultimate importance and inviolability “The Sanctity of a Tax Break” “EDITORIAL: The Sanctity of the Ballot Requires Photo IDs An ‘Honor System’ is No Way to Protect the Integrity of Elections”

9 Annihilation To reduce to utter ruin or nonexistence
Excerpt from Night

10 Anecdote

11 Reverie

12 Harangue

13 Semblance

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