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2 setting the scene One of the minor prophets
Needs historical books to put into context Poetry

3 Micah outline First Sermon chapters one and two
Second Sermon chapters three, four and five Third Sermon chapters six and seven ( From Africa Bible Commentary )

4 Introduction “Word of the Lord” - states the authority of the book
Author - Micah Time frame – refers to 3 kings of Judah Jotham – 732 BC Ahaz – 716 BC Hezekiah – 686 BC Book concerns Samaria (Northern Kingdom) and Jerusalem (Southern Kingdom)

5 Micah chapter one verses 2- 4
Micah summons whole earth to witness God bringing his case against his people Picture of God descending bringing down judgement Intended to be terrifying Why – because of their sin

6 Micah Samaria falls chapter one verses 6- 7
Starts with Samaria, Northern Kingdom, 10 tribes of Israel Prosperous city on the hill turned into ruins ready for planting vines Total destruction – fortifications will be useless Idols they worshiped and offerings will be smashed .

7 Micah warning to Judah chapter one verses 8 - 16
Evil of the north spreads south God’s judgement will also follow if they do not repent Heart of Micah revealed as he mourns Uses puns to reveal the destiny of Judean cities Beth-leaphrah ‘house of dust’ Maroth ‘bitterness’

8 Micah poetic justice chapter two
Prosperity through dishonesty Violence will take all away Utterly ruined False prophets question this pronouncement They have become enemies of God Vs 12, Promise of HOPE

9 Micah Second sermon cry for justice chapter Three – four
Judges – “should you not know justice” Prophets – “declare war against those who put nothing into their mouths” Rulers – “give judgement for a bribe” Destruction of Jeruadsalem Another message of HOPE

10 Micah new king and new kingdom chapter five
The Messiah His reign of peace The remnant will rule with him Cleansing the kingdom of idolatry

11 Micah third sermon chapter six – seven
God’s complaint Lamentations and promise

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