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Locking Stumps Reading Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Locking Stumps Reading Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Locking Stumps Reading Meeting

2 Aims of this morning To share with you how we take a child from an emerging Reader and Writer to achieving and possibly exceeding the Early Learning Goals. To share with you the activities we undertake in school in order for you to support them at home. To have fun!!

3 It is vital that children experience a variety of books
Is reading important Did you know that children learn 80% of their vocabulary from books. Wow!! Which impacts their Speech and Language development Social skills Ability to write in sentences and have ideas to write. It is vital that children experience a variety of books

4 How children learn to read.
The first stage of reading will be books with no words!!! Why?? To develop story language. This is the start of using visual clues to aid future tricky words.

5 How children learn to read.
Children then move onto books with repetition. They are starting to read words on-sight and using their phonological awareness, linking letters and sounds.

6 How children learn to read.
Start each book with a picture walk – visual clues. Asking questions along the way. ‘What have they got on their face?’ ‘What’s in the bin?’ Doing this will enable them to read the word later.

7 Reading Reading should be fun and exciting.
It’s not a race to see how quickly they get through the different coloured bands. It is recommended for every 10 words your child reads they only need to sound out 1 word. Therefore it is important that they have the right level of challenge for them. Reading should be fun and exciting. We want them to develop a love of books

8 Please sign or make a comment in your child’s reading comments book.
Reading at home Discuss the front cover. Go on a picture walk. Read the book. Ask your child questions Repeat the next day – this will develop your child’s confidence, Please sign or make a comment in your child’s reading comments book.

9 Reading takes place all the time at school.
Formal e.g. Structured phonics teaching Modelling ‘Group reads’ Independent reading Shared reading Structured word and sentence level work High frequency word work Computing Informal e.g. Games Songs Outdoor activities Environmental print/ labels Writing table/ book corner Headphones/ listening centre Write & wipe boards Messages Computing ..and much more!!

10 A structured 6 phase programme for the teaching of phonics.
Letters and Sounds A structured 6 phase programme for the teaching of phonics. Phase 1 – Ability to hear a variety of sounds within their environment.

11 Letters and Sounds Phoneme = sound Phase 2
Uses listening activities, songs, stories and rhymes to engage children. It teaches graphemes and phonemes and how to blend and segment words Robot arms!! The aim is the automatic reading of all words, both decodable and tricky. Pronunciation!!!! s = sss not suh Phonemes are taught in order of use rather than alphabetical. Phoneme = sound

12 Letters and Sounds Phase 3 moves onto digraphs.
This is where two phonemes together make a different sound.

13 What will come home? Reading books: usually 2 in a week. If your child is reading regularly at home. Key words: Each phase in Letters and Sounds teaches high frequency words. In Foundation Stage we aim to learn both Phase 2 and Phase 3 words. That’s 32 and 24 words respectively. These will be sent home, usually in sets of 5, to learn. Letters and Sounds: A sound book and some action strips. Please keep everything together in your child’s reading folder along with the reading record book and send it each day. We have a timetable for the different activities on the front of your keyword folder.

14 How can you help & support?
Aim to read at least three/four times a week By staying relaxed and calm! Be a role model: let your child see that you enjoy reading. Enjoy stories and poems together. Re-read favourites and encourage prediction. Read signs, packets, coins, tickets, sweet wrappers, stickers………. Use the library. Try an activity each day. Short, positive input as your child’s concentration dictates. A little and often! Put comments in the reading record book. Be positive, encouraging and offer praise. Avoid comparisons with other children or siblings. Remember that every child is a learner, taking steps of different sizes.

15 Writing The correct way to hold a pencil

16 Writing To ensure your child holds their pencil using a tripod grip we develop these fine motor skills by Playdough, Threading, Painting, A selection of these activities are available to you to try out.

17 School Handwriting Scheme
Cursive font a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Please take a mantra for handwriting sheet.

18 Busy Things Computer program which covers all the areas of Early Years Foundation Stage Enhances learning Will include different levels to teach all children With the password it can be accessed from home. Username: fs1can Password: fs1can

19 Now enjoy taking part in the activities with your child.

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