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Romans 14 & 15 (And Romans 16). Romans 14 & 15 (And Romans 16)

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Presentation on theme: "Romans 14 & 15 (And Romans 16). Romans 14 & 15 (And Romans 16)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Romans 14 & 15 (And Romans 16)

3 The Church Believers Preference Orthodoxy Heterodoxy Foundational
Romans 14 Heterodoxy Foundational The Gospel Believers Borrowed from Ken Wilson Sermon Handout (Oct 1, 2017)



6 Navigating the Grey Romans 14 & 15

7 What are “Grey” areas? Sin is Sin “Grey” areas are areas of conviction
“Grey” areas cannot be used to justify sin – no matter your convictions. “Grey” areas are areas of conviction Some “Grey” areas some may view as innocuous whereas others may view them as “close” to sin. Well, this is not a “too bad” sin.

8 What is “grey”? Sin “cousin” Topic of Conviction Unrelated
Common Areas of differing Sin convictions Drinking Gambling Family Planning Topic of Conviction Tattoos / Piercings Smoking Voting Entertainment Dancing Spending your Unrelated “cousin” money Kissing Diet Choices

9 What is the “right” conviction?
Before the Lord It’s in you – FULLY convinced

10 What is the “right” conviction?
Before the Lord It’s in you – FULLY convinced Principle #1: Sin is sin – Your convictions are before God. You cannot “loophole” God into a technicality. Principle #2: Sin is sin – If you’re convincing yourself that it’s no big deal, you’re sinning.

11 What if I’m right that it’s okay?
Are you sure? Does it cause others to stumble? Then it’s wrong. Principle #3: What’s acceptable for you may not be seen as acceptable for someone else – Don’t be a Stumbler What if I’m right that it’s wrong? Are you sure? Is it worth debating? Don’t judge Principle #4: What’s not acceptable for you may be seen as fine for someone else – don’t judge. - Don’t be a Grumbler

12 A Higher Bar Romans 15 Principle #5: We live to a higher calling.
Bear with those who are weak Not please ourselves Build each other up Does it further the gospel? Principle #5: We live to a higher calling.

13 Application Aaron Conviction: Unsure
Unsaved friends question him when he has a drink. Decides that he will not drink to be a better witness to others. Beth Conviction: - Drinking is ok on occasion. Unsaved friends question her. She uses the opportunity to discuss how Christianity is not a set of rules. Charlie Conviction: - Drinking is ok on occasion. Moves into a new city with significant alcohol dependence. Chooses not to drink so as to not validate or appear to show support for the practice

14 Application (Cont’d) David Conviction: - Drinking is not ok
(plus, I’m only 17) Heard a sermon on Sunday that said it could be considered in the “grey”. Decides to attend a party and have a drink. Ellen Conviction: - Drinking is ok on occasion. Starts having a drink every night to deal with stress at work. Frank Conviction: - Drinking is the first step down a long road I’ve been on before. Been sober for 12 years. Avoids drinking but does not judge those who do.

15 Application (Cont’d) Greg Conviction: - Drinking in moderation is
not a problem. Despite his own convictions, chooses to abstain with the goal of having a conversation starter with others who ask him about it. Heather Conviction: - Drinking in moderation is not a problem. Read “A little wine for the stomach” and read an article saying that wine prevents cancer. Has a small glass of wine with dinner. Isaac Convictions: - Keeps his opinion to himself in love for others knowing that each believer will answer to God. Lives his life before the Lord and in His service.

16 The Romans 14 Decision Tree

17 Conclusions How to navigate the “grey” Is it truly grey?
You are convicted before God. You are (truly) convinced in your mind. Does it cause harm? Do not cause others to stumble Do not pass judgment on others. Is it good? Does it hold others up? Does it bring God glory? Does it further the gospel?


19 A Higher Calling For the sake of the gospel Law, Liberty and Love
“Love supersedes law and legalism” Looking up or looking down? Heart vs. Letter of the command Romans 1:16 ~ For I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.

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