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The Seven Years War Chapter 3 – Lesson #15.

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Presentation on theme: "The Seven Years War Chapter 3 – Lesson #15."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Seven Years War Chapter 3 – Lesson #15

2 The Seven Years War To this point, did Britain or France have more success in War in North America? What major advantage did the British have if they wanted to attack Quebec? Imagine yourself as a French soldier, how would you feel about a possible war? How would you feel as a British soldier?

3 The Seven Years War Today you will be divided into groups and assigned a section of the text book. Your job is to read through and dot-­jot important points on a piece of chart paper. Remember that you are looking for important points, do not include everything. If you so choose, you can supplement the information in the text with additional research. Next period your peers will be copying your notes as their note for The Seven Years War, so be sure to take your time and put forth your best effort.

4 The Seven Years War Your information must be: Accurate Complete
Concise Neat enough to be read by everyone Organized (title, sub­headings, formatting)

5 The Seven Years War – Group Topics
Here are your topics: Group 1: The British Fleet (pg 54-­55) Group 2: The Attack on the Beauport Shore/Beauport Feint (pg 56) Group 3: Anse­au­Foulon (pg 56) Group 4: Plains of Abraham (pg 57) Group 5: Thin Red Line (pg 57-­58) Group 6: Articles of Capitulation/ The Treaty of Paris, 1763 (pg 58-­59) You have the remainder of the period to produce your note. It is expected that you have it ready by the end of the period. You will be given very limited time next class to touch up anything you need to finish it off.

6 Stop! Work on your presentations…

7 The Seven Years War – Group Presentations
You are now to write a note with the title "The Seven Years War." Copy each of your classmates notes, using their titles as your sub­ headings. When you are complete, you may begin working on your homework: Page H59 #1-3 #1 (/3 marks), #2 (/2 marks), and #3 (/3 marks)

8 The Seven Years War Look at the picture of Québec City (page 54).
Review what we learned about the Plains of Abraham. Why would it be difficult to capture this city by approaching it from the St. Lawrence River? Examine the map of page 55. Review what we learned about the Beauport Shore. Why do you think Montcalm expected the British to attack the Beauport Shore? Review what we learned about "The Thin Red Line." What qualities would you need as a soldier to wait in the line until your enemy was 70 m away, then open fire under the command of an officer?

9 Extra Video: The Seven Years War: Crash Course World History #26

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