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Species - interbreed + produce fertile offspring

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Presentation on theme: "Species - interbreed + produce fertile offspring"— Presentation transcript:

1 Species - interbreed + produce fertile offspring
Ecology- study of organisms and their environment Levels of organization- organism, population, community, ecosystem, biomes Species - interbreed + produce fertile offspring Keystone Species - sea otters, alligator Niches - producers, consumers, predators, prey Food Chain - organism feeding levels Food Web - many organisms Pyramid – feeding levels (trophic levels), energy, biomass + number **As you go higher there is a decrease Ex. Energy 90%, 10% goes up Carbon: Photosynthesis/Respiration Oxygen: balance between photosynthesis/respiration Nitrogen: nitrogen fixation in soil by bacteria Nitrification to denitrification (puts N2 back) Bio-geochemical Cycles Primary – bare rock: volcanic eruptions/new land Secondary – after some event: fire/flood Succession:

2 Relationships: Predator/Prey: camouflage, mimicry, co-evolution Symbiosis : 1. mutualistic: anemone/fish 2. commensalistic: epiphytes 3. parasitism: worms/ticks Competition: Limited resources: 1. resource partitioning 2. competitive exclusion Interspecific: between sp: food Intraspecific: within sp: mates Population density: # of individuals/area -increase pop = immigration, births/decrease pop = emigration, deaths -logistic growth = S curve (carrying capacity); Exponential: J curve Bell curve = population decrease -Limits a population= resources (food, water, space) Density dependent = food, disease, famine Density independent = hurricanes, etc.

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