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Ludwig van Beethoven was born in December 1772 and is famous for being one of the greatest composers in history. Sadly, in his early 20’s he developed.

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2 Ludwig van Beethoven was born in December 1772 and is famous for being one of the greatest composers in history. Sadly, in his early 20’s he developed a chronic and debilitating illness that plagued him for the rest of his life. His primary symptoms was extreme stomach pain, but he later developed multiple symptoms, including deafness, as well as kidney and liver failure, and a profound depression

3 Beethoven went to many doctors during his life, but they could provide no remedy for his sickness. His dying wish, nearly 300 years ago, was to have his remains analyzed so that one day people could find out what was causing his sickness. The cause has been a medical mystery for nearly 300 years. Then in late 2005…

4 Scientists: Lead killed Beethoven
December 08, 2005|Rick Weiss | Washington Post By focusing the most powerful X-ray beam in the Western Hemisphere on six of Ludwig van Beethoven's hairs and a few pieces of his skull, scientists have gathered what they say is conclusive evidence that the famous composer died of lead poisoning. Confirms earlier hints that lead may have caused Beethoven's decades of poor health, which culminated in a long and painful death in 1827 at age 56. "There's no doubt in my mind ... he was a victim of lead poisoning," said Bill Walsh, an expert in forensic analysis and chief scientist at Pfeiffer Treatment Center in Warrenville, Ill., who led the study with energy department researcher Ken Kemner.

5 What is lead poisoning?! How can you get it? What are the symptoms?
How does Lead get into the environment? How does Lead get from the environment into our bodies?

6 Group Modeling Create an explanation with pictures and words describing HOW DO LEAD PARTICLES GET INTO OUR CELLS? Draw at a cellular level. Not how lead gets into our bodies, but how lead gets into our cells

7 Discussion How can things in general get across the cell membrane?
Both toxins and nutrients can find their way across Share

8 Let’s Focus On: Squeeze Model Channel Model Active Model
Small things get across the cell membrane just by squeezing through (without damaging it) Channel Model There are channels in cells that allow certain things inside. These channels can allow larger molecules in without breaking the cell Active Model The previous models are passive, requiring no energy. In active model, the cell uses energy to absorb or pull things in Squeeze Analogy: crowd of people packed tightly together and a small person can squeeze through without breaking the crowd up Channel Analogy: a cell as a house with channels as windows and doors Active Analogy: tiny engine in the cell wall, which pumps things from outside to inside

9 Testing the Squeeze Model
Is the squeeze model even possible? Can particles of a substance move across a solid barrier like the cell membrane? Iodine: Results: the iodine gets across the plastic membrane…particles can get across solid membrane Egg experiment will test whether particles can get across a real membrane

10 Egg Experiment Can substances move across real membranes?
If particles can just squeeze through the membrane, what will happen if we leave an egg in a cup of water overnight? Will this be any different if we put the egg in a cup of syrup? Why?

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