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Wealthier areas COPYRIGHT NOTICE

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1 Wealthier areas COPYRIGHT NOTICE
This Document is the copyrighted property of Robert Gamesby and This document can be copied, revised, customised and used for the use of a PAID SUBSCRIBING SCHOOL ONLY under the conditions of the School Subscribers Agreement found at PROHIBITED USES The School shall not and shall procure that each and every Authorised User within their school does not: Copy, print out or otherwise reproduce any Resources (in whole or part) for any commercial use or any of purpose except as permitted under the School Subscribers Agreement or authorised in advance by in writing; Mount or distribute any part of the Resources on any electronic network, including TES resources, Nings, file sharing sites etc. Remove or alter any copyright notices or means of identification or disclaimers as they appear in the Resources. This includes the BACKGROUNDS of PowerPoints which have a copyright notice on them. NOTE I have spent hundreds of hours putting the resources together, please respect my work!

2 Wealthier areas


4 Wealthier areas

5 Wealthier areas

6 What CHALLENGES does London face?
Objectives Outcomes To understand a full range of challenges that London faces To improve essay writing skills To evaluate the scale of the challenges facing London Highlighted notes on the challenges London faces A completed table in HW booklets for homework A fully written essay on the challenges London Faces

7 What CHALLENGES does London face?
Read carefully in SILENCE through the information sheets about London and the various challenges it faces, highlight key points on the sheet Complete the diamond rank exercise in pairs; Which of the challenges is greatest to London? Which ones pose the least challenge and can be easily solved? YOU WILL NEED TO DISCUSS THIS and have reasons for your ideas Answer the essay question – For a city in the UK that you have studied DISCUSS the extent to which it can tackle the challenges it faces. (9 + 3 SPGST)

8 Diamond rank In pairs rank the challenges London faces in a diamond shape Greatest challenge Urban Decline & derelict buildings Deprivation Redeveloping brownfield sites Inequalities in housing & education Building on Greenfield sites Urban sprawl Waste disposal Atmospheric pollution Inequalities in health & Employment Lowest challenge

9 Command word - Present key points about different ideas or strengths and weaknesses of an idea.
DISCUSS the view that cities cannot tackle the many challenges they face. Include reference to a city in the UK that you have studied (9 + 3SPGST) You will need to cover more than one, but for the marks available not all of the challenges Case study material is needed here. Factual evidence such as place names and data Make a plan with your partner, what will you include and how will it be structured? EXAMPLE paragraph. Point, Evidence, Analyse, Link (P.E.A.L) One of the major issues facing the city of London today is the deprivation faced by many people across the city. In particular in… I feel that with the right support London can tackle this challenge of deprivation.

Pattern or point Evidence Explain Explain again with specifics Command words Definition of key Geography term Pattern or point Evidence Explain Explain again with specifics DISCUSS the view that cities cannot tackle the many challenges they face. Include reference to a city in the UK that you have studied (9 + 3SPGST) Pattern or point Evidence Explain again with specifics Explain

11 DISCUSS the view that cities cannot tackle the many challenges they face. Include reference to a city in the UK that you have studied Mark your response using the mark scheme Level 1 (Basic) 1–3 Level 2 (Clear) 4–6 Level 3 (Detailed) 7–9 Links to the question – the idea of challenges Use of command word – DISCUSS Use of place or Case study information Knowledge and understanding Organisation of written work Simple ideas about the challenges a city faces. Perhaps list-like with little or no reference to an example. Largely descriptions saying what the challenges are with no DISCUSSION of the size of the challenge and if it can be tackled. Place-specific information is vague or absent. Shows slight knowledge and little understanding of the issues and how it might be managed Explanation is limited Answer may be partial, incomplete and poorly organised. Limited structure to answer and basic use of geographical terminology. Linked statements describing the challenges the city faces strategies, with some explanation of how challenges is reduced. Starts to discuss, a basic idea that some issues can be tackled more easily than others A case study is named and the explanation is relevant to the location. Provides a reasonable explanation showing some knowledge and clear understanding of challenges facing cities. Response shows some organisation and development. Detailed explanation of how a city in a named location has challenges. Credit only one case study or example. The discussion is clear and balanced, with some challenges acknowledged as harder to resolve than others A comprehensive and place-specific answer. With factual evidence from the place Provides a response that is well explained using accurate knowledge and sound thorough understanding, Is well organised and develops 2 or more challenges

12 Intermediate performance Threshold performance
Spelling, punctuation, grammar and use of specialist terminology (SPGST) High performance Intermediate performance Threshold performance 3 marks 2 marks 1 marks In the context of the level of demand of the question, learners spell, punctuate and use grammar with consistent accuracy and also use specialist terminology with consistent accuracy. In the context of the level of demand of the question, learners spell, punctuate and use grammar with considerable accuracy and also use specialist terminology with considerable accuracy. In the context of the level of demand of the question, learners spell, punctuate and use grammar with reasonable accuracy and also use specialist terminology with reasonable accuracy; any errors do not hinder meaning in the response.

13 How can we improve our essay writing for next time?
COPYRIGHT NOTICE This Document is the copyrighted property of Robert Gamesby and This document can be copied, revised, customised and used for the use of a PAID SUBSCRIBING SCHOOL ONLY under the conditions of the School Subscribers Agreement found at PROHIBITED USES The School shall not and shall procure that each and every Authorised User within their school does not: Copy, print out or otherwise reproduce any Resources (in whole or part) for any commercial use or any of purpose except as permitted under the School Subscribers Agreement or authorised in advance by in writing; Mount or distribute any part of the Resources on any electronic network, including TES resources, Nings, file sharing sites etc. Remove or alter any copyright notices or means of identification or disclaimers as they appear in the Resources. This includes the BACKGROUNDS of PowerPoints which have a copyright notice on them. NOTE I have spent hundreds of hours putting the resources together, please respect my work!


15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE This Document is the copyrighted property of Robert Gamesby and This document can be copied, revised, customised and used for the use of a PAID SUBSCRIBING SCHOOL ONLY under the conditions of the School Subscribers Agreement found at PROHIBITED USES The School shall not and shall procure that each and every Authorised User within their school does not: Copy, print out or otherwise reproduce any Resources (in whole or part) for any commercial use or any of purpose except as permitted under the School Subscribers Agreement or authorised in advance by in writing; Mount or distribute any part of the Resources on any electronic network, including TES resources, Nings, file sharing sites etc. Remove or alter any copyright notices or means of identification or disclaimers as they appear in the Resources. This includes the BACKGROUNDS of PowerPoints which have a copyright notice on them. NOTE I have spent hundreds of hours putting the resources together, please respect my work!

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