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Welcome to the Grade 7/8 Room

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1 Welcome to the Grade 7/8 Room
Meet the Teacher and BBQ Thursday, September 15th, 2011

2 All Percents Now % % % % % In grades 1 to 6, your child received letter grades on his/her report cards In grades 7 & 8 your child will be receiving % grades. The grading system is as follows: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 52 (D-) 62 (C-) 72 (B-) 82 (A-) 55 (D) 65 (C) 75 (B) 88 (A) 58 (D+) 68 (C+) 78 (B+) 95 (A+)

3 Subjects of the Year The subjects being taught by Mrs. McCauley are:
English, Math, Science, History, Geography, Drama, Dance, Visual Arts, Health & Physical Education French – Mlle. Laidley Music – Mrs. Faubert and Mrs. McCauley Social Studies taught up until grade 6 has now become History and Geography ( to the grade 7s) History and Geography are taught in intervals of approximately one and half months each

4 Curriculum Content Subjects Grade 7 Grade 8 English
The English curriculum contains the following areas: Reading, Writing, Oral Communication, and Media Studies Math The Mathematics curriculum has five strands: Number Sense & Numeration, Measurement, Geometry, Patterning & Algebra, and Data Management & Probability. Science - Form & Function (Structures & Mechanisms) Interactions in the Environment (Understanding Life Systems) Pure Substances & Mixtures (Understanding Matter & Energy) Heat in the Environment (Understanding Earth & Space Systems) Systems in Action (Structures & Mechanisms) Cells (Understanding Life Systems) - Fluids (Understanding Matter & Energy) Water Systems (Understanding Earth & Space Systems) History New France British North America Conflict and Change Confederation Development of Western Canada Canada : A Changing Society Geography Themes of Geographic Inquiry Patterns in Physical Geography Natural Resources Patterns in Human Geography Economic Systems Migration Drama and Dance DR – Movement, Voice (Oral) DA – Movement DR – Voice, Props/Costumes (Haunted House & Christmas Concert) DA – Body Awareness (individual / group, types of dance, present) DR – Dance / Movement DR & DA – Practice for Christmas Concert Presentation DA – Space Awareness DR – Music & Sound DA – Space Awareness DR – Scripts, Lighting, Character Development DA – Work on group dance for spring presentation DR – Music Videos (8), Interviews (7) DA – Practice group presentation DR – Improvisation; DR/DA - Presentation of music videos and interviews Visual Arts Elements of Design - September to December (Texture, Colour, Form, Space, Line, Shape) Principles of Design - January to May (Balance, Rhythm, Emphasis, Variety, Harmony, Proportion, Environment, Art Movements) Music Students will be learning about different historical periods and famous people from Mrs. McCauley and Mrs. Faubert will be doing more of the playing of music such as recorders and key boards on the smart board. Health & Phys. Ed. Team work, fitness, skills with and without equipment, sportsmanship, healthy choices, inclusion, specific sports, games, nutrition, life styles, and much more

5 TECHNOLOGY ROCKS Many of today’s students are fully engaged in everything technologically based Thus, students in grades 7 & 8 can use the following forms of technology in the grade 7/8 room and during French and Music when required: iPods iPads Laptops Computers Students are encouraged to bring these items with them to school School is a great place to learn how to use this technology and SOCIAL MEDIA appropriately (facebook, texting, etc.)

W.O.W. – WORK of THE WEEK - To assist students with their work completion Mrs. McCauley types up all the work for the week in chart format for the students to staple in to their agendas. Thus, parents now have room to write Mrs. McCauley notes and vice versa. W.O.W. – also allows students to work ahead and to see what is coming up next in the week. It is a great way for parents to see what their child(ren) is/are accomplishing at school. W.O.W. – can be found on Mrs. McCauley’s WEEBLY.COM website

7 SAFETY FIRST HELMETS – helmets are necessary when riding a bike to and from school. It is the law, your child must wear a helmet when riding a bike. Appropriate footwear – it is important for your child to wear appropriate footwear and to keep their shoes on when participating in physical activities at school Notes – please make sure your child has a note to go out for lunch No Nuts – we ask that you read all labels on food packages to ensure all products are nut free

8 COMING EVENTS … Terry Fox Walk/Run
Haunted House (created and performed by Gr. 7/8) Soccer and Football school teams this fall Spirit Teams Progress Reports (October) And much more. Watch for school and classroom newsletters to come home.

9 Meet Your Child’s Teacher and EA
Mrs. McCauley – Classroom Teacher Ms. Camelon – Educational Assistant for our class and school

10 Let’s not forget … Mr. Ferguson – our school Principal
Mlle. Laidley – your child’s French teacher Mr. Pearman – at work Mrs. Clouthier – office administrator Mrs. Ogilvie – EA and student support staff

11 See what fun we’ve had so far…

12 Thank You Thank you for coming in this evening to meet me, Mrs. McCauley If you have any questions please ask You can contact me by phone, , note, or in person. I am really looking forward to educating your child this year. I just love school, especially PPS!! GO PANTHERS

13 Have a wonderful evening everyone.

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