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What is the purpose of it?

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Presentation on theme: "What is the purpose of it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the purpose of it?
Marking & Feedback What is the purpose of it? Marking has two core purposes. One, students act on feedback and make progress over time. Two, it informs future planning and teaching. It is a dialogue between teacher and student. Teacher marking should be something that students use to understand and try to improve; the aim of effective marking is to get students to engage with the feedback and then take action in order to improve their learning.

2 Correcting SPAG using marking codes that are common across all subjects to support literacy.
Sp, gr, //, p (Was 5% New English SPaG is 20% ) Inform your planning (common teaching points) Individual Feedback highlights misconceptions in the teacher comments. WWW, EBI Build in opportunities for students to: Reflect, Correct & Improve. (Green Pen Policy for improving work) AfL (formative) and AoL (Summative). Formative comments with targets and summative gradings. (Stampers to show current to target)

3 How do we avoid feeling like this?

4  Use the sentence starters 
Teach the process Complete the task to the best of your ability You are the most important part of your improvement Complete the work Receive feedback Reflect Respond Improve Your teacher/peer will give you: Feedback/comments Actions or targets. Correct your SPaG errors Complete the task you’ve been set Apply your actions in the next task you do to show improvement Tell your teacher whether you understand your feedback or not Tell them what you will do/have done to improve Answer any questions that your teacher has asked you throughout your book WWW – what went well? EBI – even better if… I understand my feedback… My targets are… In order to improve I need to… I need to focus on… Next time I will…  Use the sentence starters 

5 Reflect, Correct, Improve: (Targets)
Common misconceptions lead to common targets in marking. Use a numbered list and ask the students to write the target in full and you write the number for quick reference. Leave a gap for Reflect, Correct, Improve: SP: Necessary 1. 2. 3. Or Write there, their and they’re in a paragraph.

6 KS4/5 – Extended Writing Pieces – Highlighters
Analysis Focus on question Well selected evidence SPAG errors Use highlighters colour coding in extended pieces of writing. Quicker to mark once the students have been trained on the key. Link to your AO’s from the SPEC.

7 Remember: Mark-Plan-Teach:
Self Assessment Marking Trays: Green – I got it. Amber – I think I got it but need to improve Red – I got stuck Ask the students to place their work in the relevant tray. Start marking the reds first, as they need most help and require thorough feedback, then go onto the amber and greens. When marking make a list of common misconceptions and address them at the start of your lesson. What feedback and marking tools could you use to make students REFLECT, CORRECT, IMPROVE? Remember: Mark-Plan-Teach:

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