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IRSN work and perspectives

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1 IRSN work and perspectives
FRAPCON 3.4a and FRAPCON 3.5 IRSN work and perspectives 1

2 Outline 1) IRSN developments performed on the FRAPCON 3.4a 2) … and FRAPCON 3.5 3) Conclusions and future work

3 1) IRSN developments performed on the FRAPCON 3.4a (1/3)
IRSN migrates the FRAPCON code to a LINUX environment. Few subroutines were modified to complete the migration and a LINUX script was performed in order to install the code and run calculations. Specific developments were performed by IRSN in order to fully analyse FRAPCON results in a LINUX environment : a post-processing tool based on the Gnuplot Free Software. It allows to plot much more output variables with this new tool than with the Excel interface. IRSN added many output variables in the ‘.plot’ file. New outputs that can now be plotted (in addition to those already existing) 20 Peak Linear Heat Rating 21 Molar Fraction of He 22 Molar Fraction of Pf(Xe+Kr) 23 Molar Fraction of Air 24 Molar Fraction of Ar 25 Free gas in the rod cm3TPN 26 Lower Plenum Temperature 27 Lower Plenum Volume 28 Upper Plenum Temperature 29 Upper Plenum Volume 30 Stoechiometry 31 Fuel Grain size 32 End of life Plenum Pressure 33 Relative Cladding Axial Extension 34 Peak Axial Element Indicator 35 Rod Peak Burnup 36 Peak Pellet Centerline Temperature 37 Peak Pellet Surface Temperature 38 Peak Clad Inside Temperature 39 Peak Clad Outside Temperature 150 Axial Element Elevation 151 Axial Node Elevation 152 Axial Strain due to Irradiation growth 153 Axial Geometrical Gap 154 Axial Hot Thermal Gap 155 Axial Hot Radial Structural Gap 156 Normalized axial node power 180 Initial Axial Elevation 202 Fuel Rod Mesh Radial Nodes 203 Fuel Rod Mesh Burn Up 204 Linear Porosity Fuel Fraction 205 Pu Concentration 206 Radial Power Profile 207 Radial Fuel Density

4 1) IRSN developments performed on the FRAPCON 3.4a (2/3)
IRSN works on the axial and radial coordinates. It is now possible to plot the cladding hoop stress (for example) as a function of the axial or radial location with FRAPCON 3.4a, rather than the node number as in the delivered version of FRAPCON 3.4a.

5 1) IRSN developments performed on the FRAPCON 3.4a (3/3)
An automatic tool was developed in order to assess the code. This tool consists in a launcher of the test-cases and an automatic procedure to extract FRAPCON results and integrate them in a pdf report in order to compare with experimental results (when available). This tool is originally working on a Linux system. It is based on the Linux version of the FRAPCON 3.4a code (adapted by IRSN), on Gnuplot and LateX. PDF Released document >> This tool was then specifically developed for NRC on the Windows 7 environment and it was delivered to NRC (middle of October 2013)

6 1) IRSN developments performed on the FRAPCON 3.4a (3/3)
Opportunity to perform comparisons of calculations results of different versions. Comparison between experimental data and calculation results

7 1) IRSN developments performed on the FRAPCON 3.4a (3/3)
IRSN developments on version 3.4a : Linux platform Post-processing based on .plot file Automatic tool for assessment of the code All the items were delivered to NRC at the end of 2013. IRSN believes that some developments could benefit to other partners and should be implemented in the next version of the code. IRSN fully agreed to send most developments for integration in the next version 3.5. These developments have not yet been integrated in the FRAPCON version 3.5, released in April-May 2014.

8 2) …and FRAPCON v3.5 IRSN integrates in the new version (3.5) all developments performed in the frame of FRAPCON 3.4 Linux version, Post-processing based on Gnuplot (interactive mode), Much more outputs of the FRAPCON calculations that can be plotted, Automatic tool for integral assessment of the code or for comparison of input data files. The second stage on FRAPCON 3.5 will then begin : Study of the modifications of the cladding creep subroutine in order to model thermal-mechanical evolution of the rod for reactor maintained at intermediate power during extended duration. IRSN will start in the next months a definition of the strategy for a Storage/Transportation version of FRAPCON, including models to be considered for hydriding, oxidation, creep, hydrogen diffusion, hydride reorientation…

9 3) Conclusions and future work
IRSN decided few years ago to use the FRAPCON code as an irradiation software. IRSN performs many developments (mainly tools working around the code) for its own use. IRSN has major project based on the code : development of a storage/transportation version of the code to be able to model the whole life of fuel rods after reactor irradiation, assessment of the ability of the code to model ramps tests conditions…

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