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Perspective Drawings.

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Presentation on theme: "Perspective Drawings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perspective Drawings

2 Perspective Drawings – Definitions
Horizontal line Vertical line Converging line (Orthagonals) Vanishing point Horizon

3 Horizontal Line Lines that run across the page always parallel to the bottom of the page

4 Vertical Line Lines that run from top to bottom of the page always parallel to the side of the page

5 Converging Line / Orthagonal
Lines that converge at the vanishing point. These are any lines that are moving away from the viewer at an angle parallel to the direction that the viewer is looking. In the case of a highway these lines would be the edges of the highway as they move away from you forward into the distance.

6 Vanishing Point The point to which all lines which are parallel to the viewer recede. Think of the last time you were looking down a long stretch of straight highway. The edges of that highway appear to move at an angle upward until they meet the horizon. In one point perspective all verticals and horizontals stay the same and only lines that are moving away from or toward the viewer seem to recede on the horizon at the vanishing point.

7 Horizon Horizon - is always at eye level. Picture yourself at the seashore and looking out at the ocean you notice that the water meets the sky at your eye level. This never changes. You may be in an airplane 1000 feet up or you may be lying down on the beach and the ocean level drops with you. Think of it as an invisible plane that cuts through everything, that always exists at eye level.

8 Perspective Drawings One-point Two-point Internal External

9 One-Point All converging lines vanish to one point
Horizontal and vertical lines do not change

10 Two-Point All converging lines vanish to 2 points on the horizon
Always start with drawing a vertical edge There are no horizontal lines in 2-point perspective

11 Internal – One Point

12 Internal – Two Point

13 External – One Point

14 External – Two Point

15 Sources Larmann, Ralph M. Art Studio Chalkboard. [Online] January 31,

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