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Machine Learning Week 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Machine Learning Week 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Machine Learning Week 3

2 Support Vector Machine
Maximizing the margin The Solution Nonlinear Transforms

3 Better linear Separation
Linearly separable data Different separating lines

4 From Intuition… Why is bigger margin better?
Which w maximizes the margin?

5 Finding w with large margin
Why is bigger margin better? Which w maximizes the margin?

6 Linear SVM Mathematically
Goal: 1) Correctly classify all training data if yi = +1 if yi = -1 for all i 2) Maximize the Margin What we know: w . x+ + b = +1 w . x- + b = -1 w . (x+-x-) = 2 Maximize Minimize

7 Linear SVM Mathematically
minimize Constrained optimization problem ! Subject to Integrating the constraints into the Lagrangian form, we get: Mimize J with respect to w and b, and maximize with respect to α

8 Dual Form

9 Let’s find hyperplane (example)

10 Let’s find hyperplane (example)

11 Let’s find hyperplane (example)

12 Let’s find hyperplane (example)

13 Let’s find hyperplane (example)

14 Let’s find hyperplane (example)

15 Let’s find hyperplane (example)

16 Let’s find hyperplane (example)

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