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Sunktanka Oyate Wan Onispepi (Teachings of A Horse Nation)

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1 Sunktanka Oyate Wan Onispepi (Teachings of A Horse Nation)
Staff: Misty Thomas, Director Lisa Hare, Outreach Worker Justin Avery, Equine Specialist Doug Widow, Counselor


3 You cannot fix a problem with the same mind set that created it
You cannot fix a problem with the same mind set that created it.” Phillip Whiteman, Jr. Northern Cheyenne

4 Mission and Vision The Mission of the Tatanka Tiospaye Coalition is to encourage healing in our community – spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally by supporting our youth and families through a caring and effective system of care that promotes safe and healthy lifestyles, free of substance abuse. Vision Statement It is the Vision of the Tatanka Tiospaye Coalition that: • Each youth will have the opportunity to recognize, understand, and develop the necessary skills to live in a healthy way, free of substance abuse. • Each youth will have the opportunity to thrive in a supportive environment. • Each youth will have the opportunity to experience and develop their innate cultural and spiritual beliefs, innate strengths, abilities, and potential within.

5 Goals and Objectives Goal 3 Santee Tribal Resiliency Program: Developed to create a greater trauma-informed system of care that will assist partnering agencies in utilizing critical skills and program support for the development and implementation of our interventions that will address the effects and issues of childhood trauma To promote healing and wellness among our youth population either involved with the juvenile court system or at risk of being involved in the system

6 Youth Youth may be court ordered or referred from a community agency/partner (i.e. CPS, school, Drug/Alcohol Program), or by their parent or family member or self-referred

7 Services Probation/community service hours
Programming once a week – 1 week in a classroom like setting and 1 hour with horses Incentive Trips One on One EAP Group EAP

8 Stakeholders Tatanka Tiospaye Coalition Tribal Court HEART Program
School Clinic Tribal Council Rep Other Youth Programs Service Providers Others needed: Ranch, Buffalo Ranch, Economic Development, Horse People, Land Management

9 Successes The youth that come and have those “Ah-ha” moments and you can see the success in their eyes Santee Tribal Council has allocated $25,000 towards an indoor riding facility (now we just need to find the rest of the funding)

10 Challenges Insurance Indoor Facility
Understanding about what the programs about Dogs/people harassing our horses/facilities Weather

11 Program Models EAGALA – Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association EAP Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Equine assisted growth and learning is a specialized form of activities involving horses and people, designed to be experiential, meaning that participants learn about themselves through their interaction with the horses. Youth take part in an equine assisted activity, and then discuss feelings, behaviors and patterns. The horse becomes a mirror of the feelings and behaviors the person brings with them.

12 Models (continued) Medicine Wheel Model
Much of MWM philosophy emphasizes that the energy one puts out to the universe is reflected back to them. Since horses have been proven to accurately “mirror” a person’s behavior, youth interaction with horses provides immediate, irrefutable reflection of the person’s own “issues.”

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