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Upgrade magnets and power supplies

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1 Upgrade magnets and power supplies
Large Area RICH JLab/CLAS12 Polarized ep, ed Deep-Inelastic-Scattering at high luminosity (~ 1035 cm-2 s-1) Nucleon structure in 3D !!!!! Hall B Central Detector Forward Detector Beam current mA Beam polarization 85 % CHL-2 CEBAF 12 GeV upgrade in 2013 Upgrade magnets and power supplies Basic Requirements: Additional system requirements of the PID detectors: non invasive: small and uniform material budget minimize photon detector surface (minimize cost) operate in large background environment Hadron ID up to 8 GeV/c Pion rejection > 100 (GeV/c) K/ ratio ~ M. Contalbrigo, E. Cisbani, P .Rossi RICH 2010, 6-7 May, Cassis 1 1

2 Proximity focusing option: Mean pk separation (5-8 GeV)
Preliminary design of the large area RICH B ~ 40 G Projective geometry: 6 radial sectors ~ 1 m gap B ~ 500 G RHIC TOROID RHIC Proximity focusing option: Mean pk separation (5-8 GeV) Mean p.e. number (5-8 GeV) Radiator: Aerogel  3 cm thickness  refraction index K-p separation > 4s at 8 GeV with smaller than 1 cm detector pixel Optmized geometry Photon detector options with light concentrator (a` la COMPASS) MAPMT’s  SiPM with narrow time window to suppress background Under investigation: focusing mirror system M. Contalbrigo, E. Cisbani, P .Rossi RICH 2010, 6-7 May, Cassis 2

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