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2 Tacit Knowledge Explicit Knowledge Tacit Knowledge FROM
TO Tacit Knowledge FROM 1. SOCIALIZATION 2. EXTERNALIZATION Explicit Knowledge 4. INTERNALIZATION 3. COMBINATION Organizational, Managerial, and Technological support needed for each quadrants

3 Enablers of SECI

4 Enablers of Socialization
Organizational: - Organizing for individuals to share experience; to share and tell stories. - Formation of ‘informal’ groups that meet for detailed discussions. By design, the qualifications or status of the members play no role. Companies can create an environment that fosters informal interaction for example “water cooler chat”, and informal lounges. - Companies could also create job rotation programs this would serve to allow members from different departments to interact and thus enhance the cohesiveness of the company. - Job rotation (supplemented with in-line rewards – a managerial enabler – to demonstrate, show, share, practice, observe).

5 Enablers of Socialization
Managerial: - Incentives and rewards necessary to motivate an effective deployment of the organization enablers. (this one is applicable for all four quadrants) ● In particular : - Incentives for the knower to be observed. - Creation of a culture for trust and intrinsic rewards. - Creation of matrix or non-singular reporting / controlling policies in line with ‘group’ design. ● Creating policies that allow the scope for external networking and observation.

6 Enablers of Socialization
Technological: - Tools and systems that allow presentation of experience, simulation (opportunity to experience). ● Can include :video conferencing, voice chat, conversation rooms.

7 Enablers of Externalization
Organizational: - Organize to articulate ● Diversification of organizational ‘language.’ ● Create ‘autonomous’ think tank to create new and express visions. Managerial: - Policies geared toward encouraging expression of knowledge in various forms. (Here, going away from common language is encouraged). Technological: - Support multi medium for creative expressions ‘Knowledge Engineering’ for K-based systems

8 Enablers of Combination
Organizational: - Organize to sort, extract, assimilate, analyze, network and link. - Form networks (human) to help exchange. - Create analysts’ role. Form analysis departments/people who can back up explicit knowledge (statistical analysis, data mining) - Create librarians’ roles. Managerial: - Policies geared toward encouraging expression of knowledge in converged forms. (Here, going toward a common language can be encouraged). Technological: - Tools and systems that allow analysis and convergence of medium and knowledge. ● Can include: Data warehousing, data-mining, multimedia analysis and visual tools, networks (computer); voice, video, and data over IP.

9 Enablers of Internalization
Organizational: - Organize to listen to stories - Bottom up and interactive (matrix?) structure. - Formal Training programs Managerial: - Incentives to re-experience through reading and listing. - Encourage reports of negative knowledge. - Mentor program, incentive programs for continuing education. Technological: - Multimedia based archival and knowledge repositories, case-based reasoning tools.

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