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Realism in American Literature

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1 Realism in American Literature
1865 (Civil War era) to 1914

2 What is Realism? A faithful representation of reality in literature, also known as “verisimilitude.” (authentic) Emphasis on development of believable characters. Written in natural vernacular, or dialect.

3 Age of Reason-Rationalism
American Literature Contemporary and Post-Modern Period The Puritan Era Age of Reason-Rationalism Romanticism Realism Transcendentalism Modernism 1946 – Present

4 Historical Context Population of the United States is growing rapidly.
( ) Science, industry and transportation are expanding. Literature also was growing, but most new writers were not Romantics or Transcendentalists. They are Realists. The “Frontier” did not exist as before; its legacy changed and impacted Realists in its new form. The aftermath of the Civil War meant that Americans were less certain and optimistic about the future. The idealism of the Romantics and philosophy of Transcendentalists seemed out of date and irrelevant to many readers.

5 Development Reaction to Civil War suffering Invention of photograph
Captured true life Increased literacy and democracy led to a public hungry for truth and awareness Abolitionism and post-slavery stories Dark side of America Origins of Muckraking journalism Expose corruption, particularly political & corporate (continues today…) Literature affected: tried to do the same

6 Realism vs. Romanticism
“The trapper was placed on a rude seat which had been made with studied care…His body was placed so as to let the light of the setting sun fall full upon the solemn features. His head was bare, the long thin locks of gray fluttering lightly in the evening breeze. ” He was most fifty and he looked it. His hair was long and tangled and greasy, and you could see his eyes shining through…there warn’t no color in his face; it was white…a white to make a body sick…a tree-toad white, a fish belly white. As for his clothes, just rags, that’s all.

7 Realism in American Literature
The purpose of the writing is “to instruct and entertain” Character is more important than plot. Subject matter is drawn from real life experience. The realists reject symbolism and romanticizing of subjects. Settings are usually those familiar to the author. Plots emphasized “the norm of daily experience” Ordinary characters

8 What is Regionalism? Often called “local color.”
Focuses on characters, dialect, customs, topography, and other features specific to a certain region (ex. the South) Coincided with Realism and sharing many of the same traits. Focus on small geographical area in an attempt to reproduce the dialect and mannerisms

9 What is Naturalism Branch of Realism
Applied scientific principles of objectivity and detachment to the study of human beings. Philosophical position: scientific laws control life Influenced by Darwinism Natural Selection Survival of the Fittest Psychology (Freud) Darker & more fatalistic (fatalistic = determined by fate, not choice) Lives governed by heredity, instinct, & passion Nature NOT nurture…. Forces beyond a character’s control restrict attempts to exercise free will or choice Literature- often depicts man in conflict with nature, society, or himself.

10 Why did Naturalism develop?
The swell of immigrants in the latter half of the 19th century, which led to a larger lower class and increased poverty in the cities The prominence of psychology and the theories of Sigmund Freud Pessimism in the wake of the Civil War and Reconstruction Publication of Charles Darwin’s Origin of the Species

11 Common Conventions of the Literature
Characters product of social & environmental factors Often poorly educated or lower class Renders reality closely and often in minute detail, even at the expense of plot Settings usually familiar to the writer Character development more important than plot Plausible events avoid sensational, overly dramatic elements Usually uses the omniscient point of view

12 Prominent Authors Realists Naturalists Jack London
Mark Twain Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Stephen Crane Red Badge of Courage Upton Sinclair The Jungle William Dean Howells Kate Chopin “Story of an Hour,” Desiree’s Baby, The Awakening Naturalists Jack London Call of the Wild, “To Build a Fire” Stephen Crane Maggie: Girl of the Street Henry James Portrait of a Lady, Daisy Miller John Steinbeck Of Mice & Men (debatable)

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