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Welcome Class of 2020 Why You Are Here Today…

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Class of 2020 Why You Are Here Today…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Class of 2020 Why You Are Here Today…
To be introduced to Career Plan 10 To become familiar with Naviance October PSAT Results

2 Career Plan 10 Naviance and the first steps of the
career exploration process DUE JANUARY 26th, 2018 January 17, 2019

3 Steps 1-3 Naviance Surveys
Strengths Explorer uncovers talents and reveals strengths. Career Cluster Finder matches career areas to your interests and attributes. 3. Career Interest Profiler discovers work related activities that match your interests.

4 Review Questions Questions prompt students to utilize the individualized results of the 3 completed surveys. All answers come from Naviance; no outside research necessary. Answers are submitted ; TF mentors review.

5 Logging into Naviance go to
Scroll down the left side of CB South homepage and click on “Naviance”

6 Naviance “Family Connection”
CBSD address School ID #

7 Navigating Naviance… Locating the 3 Surveys Your Results The Review Questions

8 1. Strengths Explorer Go to the “About Me” tab...
Then under “my assessments” click on “strengths explorer”

9 Strengths Explorer Take Assessment by clicking “Okay, let’s get started” Review the “Quick Tips”

10 Strengths Explorer Example- pick one answer that describes you best

11 Strengths Explorer Your Results & “Related Career Pathways” will assist with the Review Questions

12 2. Cluster Finder Careers Tab What are my Interests?

13 Cluster Finder Click “let’s begin”
3 categories of questions (activities, personal qualities, school subjects) Logging out upon completion of any section will automatically save your responses; click on “continue where I left off” next time you go back to this survey.

14 Cluster Finder Your results will assist you with the Review Questions

15 3. Career Interest Profiler
Under the Careers Tab

16 Career Interest Profiler
You are about to begin the Career Interest Profiler, a tool that can help you discover the types of work activities and careers that match your interests.  The interest profiler has 180 questions about work activities that people do at their jobs. When choosing your answers, think about whether you would like or dislike doing a particular work activity if you had a chance to do it.  Try not to think about whether you have enough education or training to perform the activity. This is not a test.  There are no right or wrong answers.  The more accurately you answer each question, though, the better your results will be.  If you need to leave the profiler in the middle and return later, remember to complete all the answers on the page you are on and click the "Save and Continue" button.  When you return to this section, you will pick up where you left off. Career Interest Profiler Click on start

17 Career Interest Profiler

18 Career Interest Profiler
Select “View Matching Occupations List” for your results

19 Career Interest Profiler
Your results will assist you with the Review Questions

20 Career Plan Review Questions
Under the “About Me” tab click on Career Plan Review Questions

21 Career Plan Review Questions
*STRENGTHS EXPLORER: According to the results of the Strengths Explorer survey, what are your top three talents? How might your strengths impact your career choice? *2.CAREER INTEREST PROFILE: From the Career Interest Profile, list the top two strongest interests (in green) from the results report. Career Plan Review Questions The questions direct you to the correct survey to locate your results. Want to take a break in the middle of the questions? Click “save and return later” at the bottom of the survey to save your results!

22 Your TF Mentor will review your results and documents your proficiency
CP 10 Complete! Your TF Mentor will review your results and documents your proficiency

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