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Your Name IEP Meeting Date.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Name IEP Meeting Date."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Name IEP Meeting Date

2 A Little Bit About Me Full Name, age and current grade
Who you live with List the classes you are taking

3 A Little More About Me My accomplishments
My heroes or who I look up to My goals for this year

4 Interests Insert image Insert Image List the things that you like to spend your time doing at school, home or the community Insert Image

5 Strengths List the characteristics about yourself that help you get along with others and do well in school and at work Example: Friendly Insert Image

6 Preferences List the things you prefer to do. Example: work in a group or by yourself?

7 Concerns Example: Taking tests
List some of the things that concern you about school, work, and home

8 Accommodations List what helps you do better in school

9 Future – Living Plans Where do you plan to live after you are done with high school? Are there living skills you still need to work on for greater independence?

10 Future – Learning Plans
Do you plan to continue your education after you graduate from high school? If so, where would you like to go? Insert Image

11 Future – Working Plans What job would you like to work at?
What skills do you need to qualify for that job? Training Experiences

12 Goals for the Coming Year
Classes to take Extra-curricular activities Contacts/College visits to arrange

13 Add additional slides as needed

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