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CIRCA Accessibility Strategic Coordination Group,

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Presentation on theme: "CIRCA Accessibility Strategic Coordination Group,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CIRCA Accessibility Strategic Coordination Group, 5-6.5.2010
Maria Brättemark, WFD Team, DG ENV.D.1, European Commission

2 In this presentation Restructuring of CIRCA and calendar of events
New template for reporting of CIS activities Thematic fiches Nominations for CIS activities Proposal for planning and structure of SCG meetings

3 Better dissemination of CIS outcomes (CIS Workprogramme 2010-2012)
In the period the following actions will be undertaken to support better - Access will be granted to the restricted part of CIRCA to everyone who is involved in WFD implementation in local, regional or national administrations and who requests access. - CIRCA will be restructured in order to make it more transparent and userfriendly; - The CIS meeting calendar is put on the public part of CIRCA (including meetings of subgroups) and is updated regularly; - Short summaries per activity will be provided which include the objective of the activity and links to finalised deliverables, and are updated regularly. It is noted that dissemination towards the practical implementation level varies per Member State and river basin. Actions to support better dissemination are therefore Member State or river basin specific, and improvements in dissemination rely largely on actions in the Member State or river basin itself.

4 Accessibility public CIRCA

5 Thematic Information summaries

6 Thematic Information summaries
River basin management Reporting and WISE Ecological status Ground water Chemical aspects Flood Risk Management Climate change and Water Water Scarcity and Droughts Agriculture and Water Biodiversity and Water Hydromorphology Economic issues Water Science –Policy Interface Action needed : 1st version of new sheets of all themes to be made available next days on CIRCA. Comments are welcome, in particular focus on if some events or documents are missing. Please note that these “Information summaries” will be updated on an ongoing basis, and that new versions with correct links will be issued after CIRCA restructuring is completed.

7 Events calendar

8 Events calendar

9 Reorganisation of Public CIRCA main “problem” folders

10 Reorganisation of CIRCA - 2
PUBLIC LIBRARY 0 - Water Framework Directive and Floods Directive: Information a - Legislative texts and implementation reports b - Common Implementation Strategy Working Programmes c - Published Guidance Documents d -  Other Common Implementation Strategy deliverables 01_River Basin Management 02_Reporting and WISE 03_Ecological Status 04_Groundwater 05_Chemical Aspects 06_Flood Risk Management 07_Climate Change and Water 08_Water Scarcity and Droughts 09_Agriculture and Water 10_Biodiversity and Water 11_Hydromorphology 12_Economic Issues 13_Water Science-Policy Interface e - National Implementation documents f – Workshops and Conferences l - Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive n - Bathing Water Directive o - Nitrates Directive r - Drinking Water Directive BLUE – no change, no broken links RED – Changes GREEN – NO CHANGE, tbc pending check of broken links with unit ENV.D2

11 Reorganisation of CIRCA - 3
0 - Water Framework Directive and Floods Directive: Information (one-stop shop for thematic information fiches, events calendar overview, other relevant information material) d -  Other Common Implementation Strategy deliverables (grouping of other deliverables or links to deliverables) 01_River Basin Management (ex 02 Integrated river basin management, 08-Pilot river basins, 11- environmental objectives, 12- Monitoring, 15- International cooperation) 02_Reporting and WISE 03_Ecological Status (ex 01-Ecological status and intercalibration, 13-Eutrophication) 04_Groundwater 05_Chemical Aspects (ex 05-Priority substances, i- Priority substances library) 06_Flood Risk Management (ex h-Flood action programme library) 07_Climate Change and Water 08_Water Scarcity and Droughts 09_Agriculture and Water (ex WFD and water) 10_Biodiversity and Water (new) 11_Hydromorphology (ex WFD and hydromorphology, 06-Heavily modified waterbodies) 12_Economic Issues 13_Water Science-Policy Interface (ex 10-Research) f – Workshops and Conferences (Content to be restructured, recoded, and completed with links to pother folder for completeness > one-stop-shop of past events. Examaple : 2010-Floods-TW-Flash floods&Pluvial floods Cagliari(IT) 2010-WSD-Stakeholder workshop Brussels (BE) 2009-Other-CA meeting Stockholm(SE) 2008-RBM-MSevent-Public participation-Fontevraud(FR)

12 Nomination CIS working groups
Call for updates sent on : Deadline for responding : Comments received from following MS : BE, CY, CZ, DK, EE, ES, FR, HU, IT, LT, LV, NL, PT, RO, SE, UK & IS, NO. For others we assume that the information has not changed! The following stakeholder replied : ESHA, ECPA, COPA-COGECA, WWF, Navigation task force replied. For others/those we assume that the information has not changed! Action needed : COM will circulate full revised list to SCG members SCG kindly asked to update the lists on an ongoing basis.

13 Progress reports for SCG – new organisation of SCG
New format for progress reports circulated for comments, no comments received. Cover-note with instructions for model available on CIRCA. Implemented for the SCG Progress reports available for WGs A, C, D, E, F, EG Climate change, agriculture, WS&D, and ad hoc activities biodiversity, economics. Invitation to SCG for feedback.

14 Next steps Implement the reorganisation of public CIRCA
Publish Information summaries. Make the events calendar “active” with activation of the CIRCA events function. Reorganise the restricted part of CIRCA. Thank you for your attention !

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