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Speaking On the Job ..

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Presentation on theme: "Speaking On the Job .."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speaking On the Job .

2 From Report to Presentation:
Half as complex, twice as clear…

3 Agenda Guidelines Coping with Performance Anxiety
Using Visuals & PowerPoint Fielding Questions

4 1) Guidelines: Audience Analysis
REMEMBER: The audience always wants to know, “What’s in it for me?”

5 Guidelines: Content Develop two to four main points.
Have extra material ready.

6 Guidelines: Organization
Use an agenda slide to preview your topics. Have clear transitions between sections. End with a short summary.

7 Agenda Guidelines Coping with Performance Anxiety
Using Visuals and PowerPoint Fielding Questions

8 Guidelines: Organization
Use an agenda slide to preview your topics. Have clear transitions between sections. End with a short summary to give a clear sense of closure.

9 Guidelines: Delivery Conversational Style Nonverbal Signals

10 Delivery Styles Manuscript Memorized Impromptu
Extemporaneous delivery.

11 Delivery: Use Conversational Style
Use spoken, not written language. Practice out loud as a check.

12 Delivery: Eye contact Make eye contact with different areas of the room. Hold it for at least seconds.

13 Delivery: Movement Leave lectern area.

14 Delivery: Movement Leave lectern area. Move towards audience.

15 Delivery: Gestures Use your hands Avoid aggressive gestures

16 Delivery: Use Your Voice
Project it. Use silence. Avoid filler. Use emphasis.

17 Now is the time for change….

18 Delivery: Posture Distribute your weight evenly on both feet.
Upper body posture communicates self confidence.

19 2) Coping With Performance Anxiety

20 Chicago Tribune Survey: “Please rank your fears on this list…”
Deep water Flying Public Speaking Death Other Illness Financial Difficulties Heights Insects

21 Chicago Tribune Survey Results
1) Public Speaking 2) Heights 3) Insects 4) Financial Difficulties 5) Deep Water 6) Illness 7) Death 8) Flying

22 Symptoms of Performance Anxiety
Stomach Butterflies Shortness of breath Accelerated pulse Sweaty palms Dry mouth Unsteady voice Trembling hands, knees Tunnel vision

23 Ways to Control Performance Anxiety
Use relaxation techniques. Use positive self-talk. Focus on visuals. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

24 3) Using Visuals & PowerPoint

25 Highlight main ideas. Focus on major concepts. Keep it simple.

26 Ensure visibility. Use large type. Don’t stand in front of the screen.

27 Enhance comprehension.
Give the audience a moment to look at a visual. Tell the audience what to look for.


29 Practice with your visuals.
Talk to the audience, not to the visual.

30 Use ‘Message Titles’ and ‘Stand-Alone’ Sense
Your visuals should make sense out of context

31 Use descriptive titles to reinforce the main concepts.
If you don’t have a point you wish to emphasize, use a topic title.

32 Least Effective: No title
13-31 Least Effective: No title

33 Topic Title: Audience draws conclusion
13-31 Topic Title: Audience draws conclusion

34 Most Effective: Message title, speaker draws conclusion

35 PowerPoint Design Keep design simple Link builds to your purpose
Consider the effect of color

36 Value of Contract Construction in District V, 1986 to 1996
Design: Keep it simple Value of Contract Construction in District V, 1986 to 1996 (component parts not available)

37 Design: Keep it simple Present one main topic per slide--don’t overload the viewer by trying to cover too much at once Use your slides like outlines, with topics and subtopics For each topic, try not to have too many points you want to make You will lose your audience with too much detail 3-5 points per topic will do.

38 Design, continued Simpler fonts work well (this is tahoma)

39 Design, continued Simpler fonts work well (this is tahoma)
You need at least a 36 pt. font for your text to be readable (this is 32)

40 Design, continued Look again: 40 is better…. Simpler fonts work well
(this is tahoma) You need at least a 36 pt. font to be readable (this is 32) Look again: 40 is better….

41 Builds Reveal information in segments only if it serves your purpose

42 Use Builds When your point requires discussion
When you don’t want your audience reading ahead

43 Consider the Effect of Color
Use color emphatically 4 colors max Consider cultural connotations: Red for monetary totals; Flag colors; death colors.

44 4) Fielding Questions When to take questions How to answer
First, anticipate. If you don’t know….

45 When to take questions After the Presentation: Maintain control Risk losing comprehension

46 When to take questions During the Presentation: Feedback more immediate Risk losing control

47 How To Answer Listen carefully. Paraphrase or clarify, if necessary.
Answer the question asked. Answer briefly. Redirect the answer to your own objective.

48 Anticipate Questions 1) Value: “Are you sure we really need this?”
or “What will happen if we don’t do this?”

49 Anticipate Questions 2) Cost: “How much will it cost?” and/or “Can we do it for less?”

50 If You Don’t Know . . . Don’t guess. Say “I don’t know.”
Suggest where to find out/ Offer to find out yourself.

51 Summary Consider your objectives. Keep your design simple. Practice.
Time yourself.

52 Half as complex, twice as clear….


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